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Cloudchasers (Jester Mix)

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Author Comments

A custom mix of Cloudchasers from Kingdom Hearts II!

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Gummi Ship

There sure were a lot of great times simply trying to complete the Gummi missions and get an S rank on them yet they took forever. This remix sounds pretty nice anyways.

The bass line and xylophone stick to the original way that they were played anyways so that works out nicely. Then the drums are also very close to the original but sound just a tad bit slower to me. The synth kind of seems extra to me sadly.

Overall, sounds great minus the synth.

Hmm. Prettttyyy good.

I don't think the overall beat and the beginning really...match well with this song. It was sorta more of a techno song THROUGH AND THROUGH, compared to lower lower sounds and high pitched staccatto stuff.

It's hard to explain. But it's like two things clashing at once. But it WAS good.

Oh that was sweet.

I really liked this oh cant wait to hear more like this u got skills.^-^


A little too much going on though but very cool sounding.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Jul 9, 2007
4:31 AM EDT
Video Game
File Info
1.8 MB
1 min 55 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.