Last song with the FL Demo?
So does that mean you're getting the full version? Or have you decided you're going to try something else? Anyway...
Hmm, well, the main three notes seem to be exactly the same as mine in Aurora! Copier! You said this was LOOSELY based off of my song! XD
And here's Cygnus... it works better in ambient songs, if you ask me... here it clutters up the song a bit. It doesn't quite contribute to the song as well, either. On top of that, it's detuned. :\ The bass-ish lead isn't that bad, though...
Just a question - what sort of drums are those? The kick sounds like an FL preset but everything else sounds completely different from everything I've heard. Are they heavily FX'ed FL presets or something? Anyway I can hear you also copied my kicks... >:( :D They're a little bit off but just as good, I think.
Here's an interlude, though rhythmwise the melody that's playing is lacking a little bit.
The arp comes and goes and I don't really like the sound of it... hmm, I think I know the deal with this song. See, not everything contributes to the same attitude, the same feeling. Songs can be SO much better when they're like that. ;) So, let's say, Vapor? Everything fit together very well. Ok, it wasn't perfect, but it's less of a mess than this song.
Not everything fits together and the quality's pretty bad. Keep trying - though not on this, I reccomend you start something new. The last thing we need is for you to make a Vapor out of all of your songs. XD
Hate to lower your score... :\ But I think it deserves a 4 so that's what it's getting. Once again, keep trying. :)