DAMN you may not have spent long on it but I love it! So jazzy and fucking lively haha. Wish I could give some constructive feedback but I just enjoyed listening to it.
Good lord I haven't used NG in a while
Anyways since I'm here I might as well share this short song I made in like 3 hours. I made it with the idea that if I went crazy with the chord changes I might make s o m e t h i n g ? ? ? idk
If you're here from Scratch, yes, this is AK.
Made using LMMS
(Update: Better sound quality & sound balance fix)
(Update: Now part of "Heartmaker" album)
(Update: Sound balance fix (2))
DAMN you may not have spent long on it but I love it! So jazzy and fucking lively haha. Wish I could give some constructive feedback but I just enjoyed listening to it.
Indeed it was inspired by jazz chord progressions, namely a bunch of 2-5-1s. Thanks for enjoying!
It is impressive for a song made in 3-hours, and it a pretty good song overall! The melodies are really nice, as is the background and bass! The percussion here isn't exactly sth I like, but this may as well be a subjective opinion.
Overall quite a nice song you made!
Thanks for the feedback! I'm always looking for ways to improve my stuff.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.