I can tell you were drinking when you did this...
Give up the bad Leo Kotke imitation, okay?
A song about my favorite profession, which moonlites as a past time, drinking.
I can tell you were drinking when you did this...
Give up the bad Leo Kotke imitation, okay?
I dont even know who the fuck you are talking about. I did that on my own, so screw off.
from betpilu44
Hey men, brutal ejecución pero te quedaste corto respecto a las líricas, sinceramente muy flojas frente a esa outstanding ejecución jaja lo vuelvo a repetir. Esencialmente te falta porque para las canciones del blues en general las líricas aunque están en un segundo plano es necesario que también acompañen a la guitarra.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.