Wow, I remember when EastWest used to be the holy grail.
Composition wise, this is really great. I feel the composition itself would be best served if it were written in FL, all the pains that would be to do. For some reason, every instrument I take into something like printmusic doesn't really alter velocity between instances of the same note, or intonate properly. I'm hearing a lot of that here with floppy attack on the organ, not any real humanization going on. If it were at all possible I would put ensembles or trios on those staccatos so they don't sound like a lone cellist, if that makes sense.
As for EastWest falling out of style somewhat, I would see if I couldn't get my hands on Kontakt and Spitfire's free LABS libraries, Native Instruments' starter pack, etc. There are a ton of free Kontakt libraries that will blow your mind out there. It's a sin not to take advantage imo.
Beyond that, enjoyed the listen.
Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!