Oo, this is very relaxing and also a bit inspiring for a potential next space piece. Keep up the good work! I’m glad my art piece inspired to make such an elusive track.
Inspiration: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/smoljay/sola-s-solace
space was a lie sang nick allbrook in pond's track allergies. we cannot prove the earth is round ergo the earth must be flat stated the flat earth society. apollo never made it to the moon said a bunch of conspiracy theory junkies. truth is none of those catch phrases really affect how we feel about ourselves when we look at the sky on a starry night, there's just so much we can't explain and so many things we instinctivly know. the art inspired music contest had me going through an overwhelming amount of portraits, sfw and nsfw but I found myself contemplating this space background image that went by the name Solas Solace. while staring at the hazy red and blue clouds my head was already starting to play out loud a bunch of synthezisers and reverbed arps, that was all I needed to get this track done, that and a couple of weeks alone with my computer.
Oo, this is very relaxing and also a bit inspiring for a potential next space piece. Keep up the good work! I’m glad my art piece inspired to make such an elusive track.
Good Job !
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.