dude why do you guys change ya voices? ow old are youagain? I mean no offence but the acting and lyrics sound lets just say too young foryour age. Don't change ya voice!!! or w.e u guys were doing. Anyway
Keep it pimpin'
BN out
beat by AznPb; Shrimpwrap and Derbyman of Terminal Yllness rappin, review please
dude why do you guys change ya voices? ow old are youagain? I mean no offence but the acting and lyrics sound lets just say too young foryour age. Don't change ya voice!!! or w.e u guys were doing. Anyway
Keep it pimpin'
BN out
what we did was just added in a higher and lower pitched voice on to the original, it was just for effect I guess.
nah man.
I always wonder why more people don't sing in these songs, but when I hear this, I realize why.
yeah me too, I didnt know that that was singing last time I check was rapping, but thanks for that 2, you know it helps with the cause.
yes! This is what I produce you dont like it then fuck off. Shaneisdabomb, what the fuck kind of name is that if your name is shane you should get your ass kicked for being so conciedent. There are people who like this, and you arent one of them obviously so just dont listen to my music how about that. Also that was a waste of a review. Why dont you like it huh? Dumb bitch, lol, I dont even give a fuck why you dont like it, lol.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.