YEAAAAAH NICE WORK BOTHA YOU! this is charles reporting to base ive got a couple of friends here u never gonna guess who they are
We're going in for The Big Play TM
YEAAAAAH NICE WORK BOTHA YOU! this is charles reporting to base ive got a couple of friends here u never gonna guess who they are
The BIGGEST play!
the start sounds like a VICTORYYYYY fanfare and the end... it sounds SO FAMILIAR but i just cant name the tune it belongs to. can you?
"Well if it isn't Ellie, too"
"We've had you on our watchlist for while"
"Thanks for your help here today, didn't we could trust you after last time"
"I guess I owe you one"
"Well, now that you mention it, we do have sort of a criminal history problem"
"Ehh I figured that was coming, I supposed you've earned a pardon"
We worked on Station by 16 years. Was broken in 16 secs. What a Waste!
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