that buildup with that punching kick totally caught me off guard. so did the drop! good job! the fill right before the drop could be more intensive. during the first drop, i can't feel enough changing. i need something; it could a new synth line, it could be a change in key or general pitch-focus of the track. it could be reverb or a change in the highest or lowest notes, or even panning. anything at all, really. but at no point in the drop does it really grab me and take me somewhere; and i think it should, because you have a killer setup. second drop feels anticipated yet it's totally acceptable. it absolutely punches so hard. then it just keeps going. seriously powerful. then that snare comes back again, wow, and you begin your fade out. you totally set me up, introduced a crazy timral rhythmic theme, and absolutely caught me with that drop. i think it's time to focus on a more high-end based mix.