IMPORTANT—The music from The Eddsworld Fan Movie Original Soundtrack are from 2014–2016. This was the first movie I scored, so it is very rough. You can read my retrospective on my involvement with the project here on Newgrounds or on my Patreon. Given the child grooming allegations against him, I no longer associate with director Marc Lovallo.
The Inner Imaginations of Edd's Mind Lyrics (UNUSED)
By Alexander Emenheiser
[SUNG] Sit right there
Imma’ tell you a tale
About a young man
And his two good friends
You better strap right in
This shindig is about to begin
[RAPPED] Edd was sittin’ on the sofa
Takin’ a sip from his cola
Matt started yelling
Like a bat outta’ hell-a
[EDD] “What’s your deal, Matt?
You can be heard two homes over!”
[MATT] “Quick! Duck down
You’re gonna’ blow my cover!”
[RAPPED] So they hid right underneath the couch
And Edd decided to let Matt vouch:
[MATT] “Tom’s gone mad!
There’s nothing we can do!”
[EDD] “What are you talking about?
How can this possibly be true?”
[MATT] “He bumped into me
[EDD] “And then what did he do?”
[MATT] “He said he was sorry!”
[EDD] “WHAT?!”
[MATT] “I know, right!
And that’s not all.
When I told him my granny was ill
He said he’d give her a call!”
“That’s so unlike him!
Being nice and junk.
He’s not supposed to be gentle,
He’s supposed to be a punk!”
[EDD] “These are desperate time
Calls for desperate measures.
We must put an end to this
For now and forever.”
[RAPPED] Scared and confused,
They did what anyone would do
They went up to Tom’s room
And his artillery collection, they went through his
AK-47s, AR-15s,
With enhanced trigger action
[EDD] “Are you ready, Matt?”
[MATT] “Ready as ever, Edd.”
[EDD] “Let’s do this!”
[RAPPED] So they searched the house,
Every nook and cranny.
Looked in the garage
And looked in the pantry.
They huddled ‘gainst the wall,
Look at door that they’d breach,
Slam open the door,
And their destiny was reached.
[SUNG] Oh, my god!
There stood two Toms.
One had to be the right
And the other had to be the wrong.
But which one is real?
The one drinking
Or the one petting the baby seal?
[EDD] “It’s – Oh, it’s the one who’s drinking…”
“What the heck? You have a clone?”
[TOM] “Yup. He’s an anti-clone. He’s the opposite of me.”
[EDD] “That would explain the politeness.”
[MATT] “And the humanitarianism.”
[TOM] “And it would explain why he does all the chores I want him to do for free.”
[MATT] “Did you say FREE?!”
[EDD] “Where did you get this clone?!”
[TOM] “Why, at the Clone Shoppe, of course!”
[MATT] “Ohmigod, Ohmigod, Ohmigod, I’m gonna’ get a clone~~!”
[RAPPED] So Edd and Matt got their own slaves
To do all their work, thinking they would behave
But they forgot that the clones turn evil
So the clones told them to dig their own graves.
Too afraid to die,
They compromised.
[SUNG] Lesson of the story is
Don’t get an anti-clone
To do all of your chores
Or else they might form a union
then you’ll have to pay for worker’s compensation
…Or you can just fire them.
That can work, too.
[TOM] “Hey, Edd? What are we going to do with this seal?”
[SEAL] “ORK!” (Seal noise)
[EDD] “Hmm…We could either give it to the Animal Protection Agency or…”
[MATT] “We can CLONE IT!”
[MATT] “I’m going to call you Shelly! And you: Petunia! And you: Snuggles! And you: Dominguez!”
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.