(VGM Challenge Category Review)
(Score is hidden as standard for all entries in the category)
The first thing which comes to mind when checking this VGM entry out for the category is 'Rogue Legacy' for some reason, in particular imagining the almost spacy-like forest section from that game in some ways. Maybe also a touch of Minecraft's 'End' dimension almost from certain design touches you've made in the piece.
While this doesn't go in the direction of a more cinematic and terror-like state like I've personally envisioned for the theme if I was to go and enter my own piece for the category (maybe sometime later in the year haha), this kind of entry does explore more on he probability of a more mystical, somewhat tangible result on the possible outcome of entering into various Outer Realms. Perhaps more decipherable, but still nethertheless a lot of danger.
Mix sounds pretty fine to me, design choices for the direction also match up pretty well. It does stand alone pretty well as a VGM piece and it can certainly fit the theme under certain circumstances. The category theme in itself has alot of chance to it, so it's sort-of the same for alot of other individual's entries where it can or can't fit depending on the environment that is on the other side!