At 7/7/23 03:21 AM, Darkstar-XX wrote:Well if you see the secret medal in other profiles that actually unlocked it. It appears with the name and description, as far as i know, i think the mdals are ok this way, otherwise it will defeat is pourpuse
That's actually false. It really was intended that you see the name of the medal (just not the description) for the secret medals, and many older games were designed with this in mind, with literally no other hints as to how to obtain. And everything just shows as "secret medal" even on other people's profiles (if you don't have the medal yourself).
They really did break the intended purpose of things by making that site-wide change.
The idea was that the name was the hint, and then after you earned it you got the description. So literally as-is defeats the purpose. You're then reliant on other people (who already got the medal before that time) to tell you, and/or just insane luck.