guess who is in now??? XD
i got 1060 MEDAL POINTS
guess who is in now??? XD
i got 1060 MEDAL POINTS
Maybe one of the things that is coming with the medal system is a ranking system.
Like the one we have in our profile for EXp and B/P.
Your are ranked ____ out of _______ users in medal points.
Man! if we missed the bottle in level 13(Alkie Kong) we must kill ourself to get it back
it's kinda annoy me, what a waste of life
I have officially given up on FUI2. I was still going for the sword master medal, but last time I started the game an unpleasant suprise came up: All my blood points were reset! >=(
I need 4,800 to do the final upgrade, I played up from 88 to about 2,800 last time and when I opened the game yesterday I was back at 88 despite the fact that I saved like a dozen times. The bugs are really starting to piss me off now and I really do not feel like getting 4,712 points in one go as that just takes ages.
At 3/26/09 07:57 PM, AniMetal wrote: IMPORTANT IDEA FOR THE FUTURE OF THIS THREAD!!!!
Not a bad idea, but I think we should go for a top 50 as well. Mainly because this list will be changing very fast so it must be a lot of work to update. Unless of course the listkeeper is okay with that.
But for now, it might be better to keep a 1,000+ list. Just until we have over 50 and are officially going to start the list (as in: updating with individual changes and so).
At 3/27/09 07:32 AM, Auz wrote: I need 4,800 to do the final upgrade, I played up from 88 to about 2,800 last time and when I opened the game yesterday I was back at 88 despite the fact that I saved like a dozen times.
Let me guess: You only saved during missions? I noticed that doing so won't save your blood points. Only when you save in between missions your blood points are saved, too.
At 3/27/09 08:02 AM, Haggard wrote:At 3/27/09 07:32 AM, Auz wrote: I need 4,800 to do the final upgrade, I played up from 88 to about 2,800 last time and when I opened the game yesterday I was back at 88 despite the fact that I saved like a dozen times.Let me guess: You only saved during missions? I noticed that doing so won't save your blood points. Only when you save in between missions your blood points are saved, too.
I believe during the mission while pausing and once afterwards. I dunno, I think I saved at the two different places where it says saving... after you pressed the button. I know there is one other place, but I thought that one wouldn´t work because it does not say saving.... I remember I also let myself die every time, because I wanted to play level one over and over again to get the points. Maybe that´s where it went wrong.
At 3/27/09 08:02 AM, Haggard wrote:At 3/27/09 07:32 AM, Auz wrote: I need 4,800 to do the final upgrade, I played up from 88 to about 2,800 last time and when I opened the game yesterday I was back at 88 despite the fact that I saved like a dozen times.Let me guess: You only saved during missions? I noticed that doing so won't save your blood points. Only when you save in between missions your blood points are saved, too.
See? This game only leads to misery so why bother trying. I'll be content when I've got 1,510 points. Besides, I'm sure the new games with medals will be a helluva lot more fun and not glitched.
I just can't understand NG easily give that fear unlimited issue 2 a medal system
even wylo(the collector of all medals) said that some medals can't be unlocked due bugs in that game, and the author doesn't really care about that, and won't fix that game.
i mean..look at the author youtube account, he is record some video about fui2 and seemed to be proud of it,
i agree, whats the point of adding medals to a game when you cant even get them... for alot of users the same thing comes up time and time again... ITS TO BUGGY AND GLITCHY!, they all scream... and they are darn right!... most of the missions wont work on sertain difficulties not to say the glitches people have posted to stop frezing and the like... its a grind of a game which isnt fun and the only people play it so much is to get the medals... otherwise it would gather dust in the coner along with the other half finished games... beacuse thats what it is... half finished... ok rant over... back to playinf the darn game in question!... chow
At 3/27/09 08:32 AM, Auz wrote: I remember I also let myself die every time, because I wanted to play level one over and over again to get the points. Maybe that´s where it went wrong.
That's what I did to power up my weapon. I repeated level 1 over and over, always dying at the end to restart the level. But I didn't save and quit the game, so I can not say for sure that there's nothing wrong with this method to earn blood points.
At 3/27/09 02:59 PM, Haggard wrote: That's what I did to power up my weapon. I repeated level 1 over and over, always dying at the end to restart the level. But I didn't save and quit the game, so I can not say for sure that there's nothing wrong with this method to earn blood points.
Wow that's time consuming, beating Level 6 over and over again (takes like 36 seconds when you get the right technique) gets you 1500 blood points every single time.
At 3/27/09 03:17 PM, simon wrote:At 3/27/09 02:59 PM, Haggard wrote: That's what I did to power up my weapon. I repeated level 1 over and over, always dying at the end to restart the level. But I didn't save and quit the game, so I can not say for sure that there's nothing wrong with this method to earn blood points.Wow that's time consuming, beating Level 6 over and over again (takes like 36 seconds when you get the right technique) gets you 1500 blood points every single time.
Wasn't too clear on my last post. What I meant wasn't that I powered up my weapon 10 levels alone with beating level 1 over and over again. I powered it up (as well as some of the other stats) about 2 levels or so before contiuing. I did that to have an easier time on the later levels.
I just wanted to make clear that my blood points where saved when I saved after dying at level 1.
At 3/27/09 03:36 PM, Haggard wrote: Wasn't too clear on my last post.
Got a question for you Haggard.
I see you've beat Mission 5 without taking damage, I can do it all apart from the last bit with those green spiky demons, how do you kill them without being hurt? Every time I try to hit them they do that spin thing like sonic and hurt me.
At 3/27/09 03:46 PM, simon wrote:At 3/27/09 03:36 PM, Haggard wrote: Wasn't too clear on my last post.Got a question for you Haggard.
I see you've beat Mission 5 without taking damage, I can do it all apart from the last bit with those green spiky demons, how do you kill them without being hurt? Every time I try to hit them they do that spin thing like sonic and hurt me.
This one I can answer. My trick was when you get enough demon power get near them and keep changing into and off of the demon form. I can drop demons in second which is how I got that medal.
At 3/27/09 03:55 PM, FurryFox wrote: This one I can answer. My trick was when you get enough demon power get near them and keep changing into and off of the demon form. I can drop demons in second which is how I got that medal.
Thanks FurryFox, I kept using my demon power up on those guys with swords because they annoy me in their numbers, I decided to shoot them this time and save my power for the green guys and I got the achievement. Yeah.
Goddamn, these medals are tedious.
In thing Thing 3, what is Artifact 19?
In Alkie Kong 2, I can't beat Stage 9 because a glitch happens when I get hurt while holding the box. The box gets lodged into the wall and there's no way to pick it up from there. This has happenned three times.
In Portal Defenders, I used to think Dan was awesome until I finally beat the game with Tom and realised the extra health and power really does help a lot. But now, I can't beat Wadolf with Dan. I fought him with near full health thanks to the guts I saved, and I didn't win because he pulled the SHOOP DA WHOOP three times, with less than a second between each one. Those zombies are also the only enemies that you can't dodge by going up and down, unless you're playing as April. I love the near unlimited bombs, but the lack of power and focus you need to not get hit at all is just so depressing once Wadolf laughs at your decapitated body.
And in the tutorial for Fear Unlimited, I can't get through it because it gives me a combination of buttons to pull something off, and nothing happens when I do it.
At 3/27/09 09:19 PM, Gustavos wrote: Goddamn, these medals are tedious.
In thing Thing 3, what is Artifact 19?
checl wylo's news about it 347
has all the info you need...
it's a weapon you get after getting all the in game guns award (getting the 50 or 100 kills with all the weapon...)
for getting it, you have to get the weapon to 50/100 kills, and then died... when you get alll and then died, start a new game... and you will have the artifact 19
And in the tutorial for Fear Unlimited, I can't get through it because it gives me a combination of buttons to pull something off, and nothing happens when I do it.
not many ppl can.. don't worry... the game really is hard
At 3/27/09 09:19 PM, Gustavos wrote: And in the tutorial for Fear Unlimited, I can't get through it because it gives me a combination of buttons to pull something off, and nothing happens when I do it.
Its not very visible, but at the top of the screen it says "Press Space to skip the tutorial"
The author has some design choices.
At 3/27/09 10:05 PM, Wylo wrote: Its not very visible, but at the top of the screen it says "Press Space to skip the tutorial"
The author has some design choices.
I agree it takes a long time to get used to because of glitches and design choice, this makes it almost unplayable at first and you just give up. But I've found if you actually play it more it gets easier and easier. I literally gave up playing this game when it came out, but tonight I've been playing it and I've beat impossible one run through.
It's a shame 3 achievements are glitched and are totally uncollectable.
I give up on the A+ medals. Every time I get near the end it freezes no more where I finish off the last demon. I don't even know how I managed to get the slaughter master medal.
Seems my luck has ran out.
Cool idea, at least for the meantime (I'm like 99% sure they'll make a ranking list... I mean it just makes sense).
Try to keep discussion in the proper thread though... though I guess these Wi/Ht List threads tend to be a bit lounge-ish anyway. Whatever, I don't care. ^_^
To the ">:O @ FUI2" people, the creator does intend to fix the bugs, when... I can't say. He's well aware of the issues and has looked into it... apparently the triggers were all working fine at one point then it all went to shit? I dunno, if any of you are programming whizzes you might offer to lend him a hand with it; it's not his forte.
At 3/27/09 09:38 PM, aldlv wrote:At 3/27/09 09:19 PM, Gustavos wrote: Goddamn, these medals are tedious.checl wylo's news about it
In thing Thing 3, what is Artifact 19? 347
has all the info you need...
it's a weapon you get after getting all the in game guns award (getting the 50 or 100 kills with all the weapon...)
for getting it, you have to get the weapon to 50/100 kills, and then died... when you get alll and then died, start a new game... and you will have the artifact 19
Thanks for the info. You too, Wylo. I was going to post that in this threadoriginally because that's a better place for Medal help. So sorry about that.
i found another one...
lilhunter03 | 1410 MP
yep... Medal Points
At 3/28/09 01:01 AM, jmalouin7 wrote: i got 1315, does that count?
Holy shit, nvm this, i clicked wylo's link and it brought me here. ty for noticing my medals in the OP
At 3/28/09 01:04 AM, The777Demon wrote:
If it doesn't than I'm in bad luck since i an only five points behind you! I'm trying to finish all of the medals in alkie kong 2 before i move into fear unlimited. I just need to beat the game without dieing now in all 3 modes.
Good luck with that... easy and normal modes are basicly the same... but on uber hardness mode there is twice as many bats and you only have 2 hits *basicly* so far i keep getting to the end but messing up or the one before it with the long barrel stairway... i know i can do it i just need to do it in one go >.<... in other news...
1700 now.. yay for me
I vote to increase the limit to 1,500 because NG pass 3 got medals, and anyone who can use Google will now be getting a quick and easy 500 points.
Anyway, 1660 points for me. =D
+400 points within 15 minutes. Still working on level 27, which is the only slightly diffecult achievement to get on NG Pass 3. The others are just a matter of following a walkthrough. Which is pretty lame in my opinion, I hope they pick their next game for medals a bit more carefully.