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The No Cussing Club

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The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:00:42

Now I'm sure you've all heard of this kid. The young teen who started a club opposing the use of profane language. If you haven't, here you go: http://www.nocussing.com/

If you have heard of him, or are reading about it now, chances are you're thinking, "lol this kid is a fag." True, I would agree with you. When I first stumbled across this I didn't think much of it, besides some extremely lame kid showing the world what a big tool he is. Then, I watched some interviews with him and it dawned on me:

What this kid is doing is dangerous and counter productive. He is fighting for the rights of censorship.

At this point it was no longer just, "Haha this kid is a fucking douche bag." It was a, "This kid is actually threatening the sanctity of censorship."

You see, censorship is supposed to have a one way route, and that's forward. As time goes on, things become more socially acceptable and more freedoms are presented, not the other way around. Freedom of speech is one of the most commonly discussed freedoms we have, and this kid is shitting all over it.

The motto for Cussing Club: "I won't cuss, swear, use bad language, or tell dirty jokes. Clean language is the sign of intelligence and always demands respect. I will use my language to uplift, encourage and motivate. I will Leave People Better Than I Found Them!"

With that line alone he is challenging us, the people, who believe in freedom. Calling us out, trying to censor us. And he wonders why he receives constant death threats? Why people use profanity in front of him all the time? He has chosen to represent a very counter productive cause. People have fought long and hard for the simple freedom of verbal expression, and he is fighting to take that away. The worst part is, the media eats it up. They let the kid on, let him talk, and praise him for doing it.

Now, I'm not too worried about this kid's mission having any sort of real impact on censorship, but it's still not something to overlook. He's not just simply a square teenage fag, he's an agent working for the destruction of freedom.

The No Cussing Club

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

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Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:03:12

Syko, how bout we start a club where you have to swear every other word?

Gay porn! <-- What? You've already been there!?!

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:09:11

why couldent he do something more productive like help feed teh hopmeless or send care packages to the troops in iraq why is he being a doush. id ratehr him do what i listed above then doing this dumb this that restricts the freedom of speach

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:12:33

I'll be honest in that I don't know much about the No Cussing Club, but the idea never seemed like they were trying to censor people's right to say whatever the fuck they wanted. My conception was that it was a bunch of people being really self-righteous about the fact that they choose not to curse. We can practice our right to blurt out enough obscenities to make an elderly woman shit herself and they're sure as hell going to be as smug as possible about the fact that they don't.

Of course, they are advocating that people be douchebags by pretending that they support a cause which has no impact on society which is something which is hilarious and infuriating at the same time. I almost want to give them a pat on the back for being so douchey. Even the name No Cussing Club instantly makes me want to hurl the most vile language I can muster at any one who claims to be a member.

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:12:33

Yo man, fuck cussing.

I write. I voice act. Drop me a PM. Sig by Ejit

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Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:16:53

I remember seeing this on Leno a while back and thinking "What a tool."


But yeah. I feel kind of...insulted? I guess? It's like he's blatantly saying that people who don't cuss are better people than those that exercise their freedom of speech.


I've been neglecting the BBS I've come to realize.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:17:19

I think he's gotten to the point where he is using his little club for more selfish reasons, I mean he seems to be selling out to the extent of writing his own book. Either he is really up him self or he is just turned what was a once innocent group into a profit.

Sig by Maximus

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:22:07

I've thought about this too, and you're totally right. One thing that bothers me about your wording though...

At 6/23/09 04:00 AM, DirtySyko wrote: The worst part is, the media eats it up. They let the kid on, let him talk...

It would be pretty hypocritical to not let him speak his mind, don't you think?

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:22:29

LOL freedom of speech much?

Possible side effects of kittens include: Sneezing, Tiny scratches and erectile dysfunction. **the more you know**

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:22:03

Obscenity isn't protected speech.

And to say he wants censorship is another thing.
It seems to me he set up a club where people appreciate the art of not saying rubbish every other sentence.

The lad is a hero.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:26:14

At 6/23/09 04:00 AM, DirtySyko wrote: The worst part is, the media eats it up. They let the kid on, let him talk...
It would be pretty hypocritical to not let him speak his mind, don't you think?

Letting him speak is one thing, the media giving him praise in front of their audience is another. You would never seen a CNN spokesperson listening to a KKK member spurt prejudice an entire show and go, "Wow, what a great guy!"

That's exactly what they're doing to this kid.

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

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BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:33:06

At 6/23/09 04:26 AM, DirtySyko wrote:
At 6/23/09 04:00 AM, DirtySyko wrote: The worst part is, the media eats it up. They let the kid on, let him talk...
It would be pretty hypocritical to not let him speak his mind, don't you think?
Letting him speak is one thing, the media giving him praise in front of their audience is another. You would never seen a CNN spokesperson listening to a KKK member spurt prejudice an entire show and go, "Wow, what a great guy!"

That's exactly what they're doing to this kid.

Right, I misread your typing.

Think though, it wouldn't be good for business at all if you openly criticized someone like him on national television.

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:39:27

It's like the DARE program from a few years ago. It's a message with good intentions, but it comes across to others in the wrong way. That being said, I find this kid's cause to be one of the most unimportant things that is getting recognition right now. I can appreciate the concerns here, but I don't see anyone around me that cares or knows about this whole thing. If this kid is still going strong and remains relevant in the next two years, then I may decide to take notice but I'll be surprised if he does.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 04:56:17

At 6/23/09 04:39 AM, 36Holla wrote: It's like the DARE program from a few years ago.

Shit don't get me started on DARE. The program is a fucking disaster and does much more harm than good. It's just not a realistic cause, trying to tell kids, "It's as easy as saying NO." It's nothing less than a brainwashing technique.


Remember when your stupid grade school teacher taught you to never start sentences with "and" and "but." But, the whole time you were learning this ridiculous tripe you were reading books that did just that. And you would ask the teacher why the author could do it and you couldn't, and the teacher would just tell you not to question it.

Fuck me silly.

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

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BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 05:04:06

NCC should stop because the Streisand effect will happen to their cause again and again. It's hopeless to censor swearing.



BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 05:05:44

At 6/23/09 04:56 AM, DirtySyko wrote: Remember when your stupid grade school teacher taught you to never start sentences with "and" and "but." But, the whole time you were learning this ridiculous tripe you were reading books that did just that. And you would ask the teacher why the author could do it and you couldn't, and the teacher would just tell you not to question it.

I see what you did there.

And adults constantly tell kids lies because they think the kids aren't smart enough to understand the truth. Babies come from storks, santa claus, the tooth fairy etc.

XBL: KillSquad14

Proof of my greatness|Porn

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 05:09:03

At 6/23/09 04:56 AM, DirtySyko wrote:
Remember when your stupid grade school teacher taught you to never start sentences with "and" and "but." But, the whole time you were learning this ridiculous tripe you were reading books that did just that. And you would ask the teacher why the author could do it and you couldn't, and the teacher would just tell you not to question it.

I think it's more because people tend to do it constantly when they're not directly told otherwise. Sort of like those guys who start every sentence with "So anyway..."

My art gallery, because I'm better than you at things.

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 05:21:58

I reckon the kids just some troll IRL.

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

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BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 05:35:59

Cussing is as old as the languages itself.What do you think the cavemen used to say when they banged their foot against a log , or burned their hands on a fire , or their woman got clubbed and taken away by another man - a grunt maybe , but it must have been the earliest form of profanity.

I seriously doubt the intentions of this kid.If he wants to stop cussing , fine. But cussing is as natural as the human fart , and he would have just replaced with another more FAMILY FRIENDLY word , but he would be cussing all the same.Otherwise he would have to act like a gentleman 24x7 , which I seriously doubt is happening. What would happen when the kid watches porn? wouldn't he even THINK of the word ?

Profanity in moderation is a perfectly acceptable thing.Say in front of your friends , or when you're online.But when this kid grows up , chances are his hormones will kick in, and the club will fizzle out faster than you can say "that deviant bastard."

Kids these days , thinking that they are more mature than the rest of us.

I blame the media.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 05:49:37

Do what the history of the F word says:

Fuck the fucking fuckers.

We had some good times, Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 05:57:27

At 6/23/09 05:49 AM, Greenfrost6 wrote: Do what the history of the F word says:

Fuck the fucking fuckers.

Yeah, that won't work. They are all Christians, and conservatives. They will get louder the lower their numbers get. Plus, he has started the brainwashing train. It won't stop even when he leaves.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 06:07:31

At 6/23/09 04:05 AM, Crayzorder wrote: I understand where your coming from with this censorship part, but really, it's not a big deal. He may be counter-productive but when this kid gets to high school he's going to have a hell of a time. I can just see him walking up to a group of teenagers and telling them not to cuss, than proceeding to get the shit beat out of him.

oh the lolz

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 06:12:36

Everyone go to the contact us page and spam it witch this.

shit ass titty piss fuck twat ass clitoris dick cock penis weiners vagina asshole twatsucker

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 06:18:01

1: The most mentally handicapped ones.
2:Trying...to win.....this......damn challe- OOPSIE I SAID A NAUGHY WORD.

But how dare this ****er try to ****ing take away our free speech.

The No Cussing Club

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 06:33:38

No cussing club is pointless all of those little children will start cussing soon enough anyway.

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 06:35:49

Never thought of it like that. We need some kind of counter club!

S&Box, the gameĀ Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 07:00:34

you people sound like you'll melt if you can't cuss.....and besides,he can't take away freedom of speech,he seems smart enough to know that if you take away the freedom of speech it will be a stepping stone for other things....

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 07:29:29

That stupid little McKay faggot is fighting a battle he is definitely going to lose, he should give up now, the stupid fucking faggot

NG status: Unbanned?

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 07:38:59

There's one huge flaw (among many) in this cock-chomp's arguments. "Clean language is a sign of intelligence."

It is? Although that may be true, consider this. If everyone used clean language, then it wouldn't be considered intelligent anymore, it'd just be the norm.

Go suck a fucking big-ass cock you shit dicked little prick.

BBS Signature

Response to The No Cussing Club 2009-06-23 07:48:05

Also, for hilarity.

The No Cussing Club

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