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Do you guys know how to play poker?

993 Views | 22 Replies

A few advice would be nice.And a couple of pointers if you're in the mood


Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 06:31:55

I dont know, Im only good at it because I always get lucky...

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 06:38:26

Try and make your face completely void of emotion. If you can't do this, act the opposite to what you have.

E.g. You have a pair of 2s, but you smile very slightly, this may discourage other players. When you have a very good hand, look uncertan, and then look as if you are playing quite hesitantly.

I was quite good at poker when my friends and I played every week as a hobby, but we gave that up when we got bored of it.

Also, if someone has a REALLY good hand, it is almost impossible for them not to show even the slightest sign of a smile, this can help you judge what they might have.

BBS Signature

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 06:42:15

E.g. You have a pair of 2s, but you smile very slightly, this may discourage other players. When you have a very good hand, look uncertan, and then look as if you are playing quite hesitantly.

I was quite good at poker when my friends and I played every week as a hobby, but we gave that up when we got bored of it.

Also, if someone has a REALLY good hand, it is almost impossible for them not to show even the slightest sign of a smile, this can help you judge what they might have.

man.then that means it's up to my gut to win eh.
i don't my gut that seriously but all's that ends well


Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 06:44:26

At 7/5/09 06:38 AM, Jonners wrote: E.g. You have a pair of 2s, but you smile very slightly, this may discourage other players. When you have a very good hand, look uncertan, and then look as if you are playing quite hesitantly.

That is the worst advice.

Aigis - Putting the 'ai' back in 'Aigis'.

BBS Signature

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 06:46:34

No i Dont -,-'

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 06:47:58

At 7/5/09 06:44 AM, Aigis wrote: That is the worst advice.

Probably, but it worked for me. I was £25 richer because of that.

Then again, a lot of the people playing weren't very good...

BBS Signature

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 06:53:31

At 7/5/09 06:49 AM, Cybersief wrote: Yep, I play Poker, Texas Hold 'Em, Black Jack... Etc.

Anyways, number one rule. No emotions. Most retards will be happy when they have nothing, and be sad when they have a flush because they think it's smart. No. Don't be fucking stupid people catch that. You never smile, you never have any emotions at all. Just be cool and relaxed, even if you got 4 Aces.

Other than that, learn the rules and just have fun. The only strategy there is besides common sense is counting cards, the rest is luck or cheating. (Well some people consider counting cheating... Actually, most do. Wiki that shit I'm not explaining)

WEll basically you have point.Even i think it's weird when others smiles when they have a good hand (but not retarded)
Sometimes looks can be deceiving and thats where the challenge sets in.


Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 06:53:56

I myself am an excellent poker player. Why? Two reasons:
1) I don't use the reverse psychology some people go on about, it's very easy to read when playing against someone who knows what they're doing. Just keep the face blank and try to study other peoples faces. But all that won't help you without:
2) Setting up that cards. First reaction: Lol wut? When a n00b sets up the cards, other players are like: "Wtf are you doing, give me those cards you noob!". When done by an experienced card shark nobody will suspect a thing. Of course, If you keep setting yourself a royal flush every fucking time they WILL smell a rat. Techniques can be found on wikipedia but it all boils down to practice.
Alternative 2) Remember what cards have been played, ???, Profit.

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 06:59:48

At 7/5/09 06:38 AM, Jonners wrote: If you can't do this, act the opposite to what you have.

Which leads to people working out your pattern.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 07:00:37

i want to do the ANZPT next year :)

me and my freind are insane at poker

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Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 07:06:38

well i've just started playing poker but i think i get what you people say


Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 07:33:11

At 7/5/09 06:59 AM, Lost-Chances wrote:
At 7/5/09 06:38 AM, Jonners wrote: If you can't do this, act the opposite to what you have.
Which leads to people working out your pattern.

Until you change it and throw them off.

BBS Signature

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 07:39:06

- Wear sunglasses
- Don't bluff every time

http://poker.about.com/od/strategyadvice /tp/tipspokerskill.htm

1. Don't Play Every Hand / Do Fold More
2. Don't Play Drunk
3. Don't Bluff Just For Bluffing's Sake
4. Don't Stay in a Hand Just Because You're Already In It
5. Don't Call at the End of a Hand to "Keep Someone Honest"
6. Don't Play When Mad, Sad, or in a Generally Bad Mood
7. Do Pay Attention to the Cards on the Table
8. Do Pay Attention to the Other Players
9. Don't Play at too High Limits
10. Do Pick the Right Game for Your Skill Level & Bankroll

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 07:46:07

Use common sense and the laws of probability.

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of their past are doomed to repeat them.

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 08:22:12

At 7/5/09 07:46 AM, generalwinter wrote: Use common sense and the laws of probability.

that doesn't work everytime you know.


Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 08:29:36

With any hand you have, pull the most fucked up face you can make, and hold that face. They'll have no idea what you're thinking.

We had some good times, Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 08:41:11

Have a gun in your pocket, and shoot the motherf*cker who won all your money.

TV Sucks! Go watch the flash.

BBS Signature

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 08:42:22

Wear sunglasses.

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 10:00:07

I know the very basics but I still suck at it.


BBS Signature

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 11:37:52

At 7/5/09 07:44 AM, citricsquid wrote:
At 7/5/09 07:00 AM, adam2510 wrote: me and my freind are insane at poker
just like you're insane at web design? lololol

i'm better at chance than everything else

web design has nothing to do with poker

Web Hosting: Free! Premium!

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Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 13:44:40

you will have to fold a lot, never go in on a single pair.

watch how people raise. if they raise a high proportion of their money (>50%) don't do it. if they raise 33% or so, call it if you have higher than 2 pair. if they raise 10-20% then call it if you have higher than 3 of a kind. if it's under 10% use your head.

Response to Do you guys know how to play poker? 2009-07-05 13:51:10

I play hold em sometimes with friends, but i have no idea what i'm doing

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