Welcome to Newgrounds' Computer Science Crew. This a place for all those who are either studying Computer Science or have a keen interest in the subject to group together and discuss related topics of their choice. Everyone is free to post in this thread, assuming they stay on topic, so there is no need for "Can I join?" posts.
I would also like to remind you all that Computer Science is a lot more than simply computer programming. Those who are studying Computer Science at university/college level should know this. There are a wide range of topics covered under this subject. Such topics that may be discussed here include: Emerging Technology, Interactive Systems, Computer Systems, Database Systems, Internet, Communication & Mobility, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, Operating Systems, 3D Modelling & Animation, Robotics, Biologically Inspired Computation and Computer Games Technology to name a small few.
I would like to make some of the following points clear:
- This is not a thread for advice on building or modifying computers. If you came here for such advice, I shall redirect you to the Computer Construction Crew.
- This is not a thread for questions regarding computer related problems. If you came here for such advice, I shall redirect you to the Computer Hospital.
- This is not a thread for receiving answers to homework questions. You may, however, ask other users for information on a particular Computer Science related topic.
- Although programming may be discussed here, this is not a thread for coding help. If you came here for such advice, I shall redirect you to the Programming Forum.
- Obviously, the standard BBS rules apply. Should you need to refresh your knowledge on these, they can be found here.
Please, keep this information in mind when posting.
I'm hoping that this crew will interest and bring together a lot of users who share a similar interest in Computer Science to that of my own.
Also, a thank you goes out to 36Holla for letting me see how this crew goes!