* Time to play the game*
OK now you now redangleking this is wats gonna fire up the wwe rpg club.. but im not trying to help your club out*chuckles* No this is NITRO baby and this is our show... oh you are confused by are well my assoicate will be joining me... and he is part of the wwe rpg but he will be quiting soon to join the franchise..
and now for all of those new I am the new Co-owner of WCW Nitro Triple HHH my friend that will be here soon is well the other owner. This is how it will go. ITs bacically a role playing game. You make your story make your fued ask for the matches and I or my asociate will make the matches. I will also be wrestleing to. These are the belts the first ppl to join choose wat belt they want. I also get a belt and so does my accoiciate, I am the World Wrestleing champion which is one of the 2 main belts and my associate is The WCW champion. ALso in the matches you are NOT the refs u do not go 1 2 3 me or my asociate will. here are the other belts.
Nitro champion
WCW tag team champions
US champion
UK champion
Canadian champion
WCW hardcore champion
WCW lightweight champion
Canadian champion
Welcome everyone and redangleking to the NEWGROUND NIGHT WARS