At 2/7/11 07:30 AM, SoConfused wrote:
Yeah I'm not too fond of the caption placement... I was thinking about having it drooped over the curb with hand-drawn letters that resemble musical notes. Do you like the phrase though? Should it stay as it is, or should I change it to something like "Life Without Music is a Life Without Color"?
Personally I think the picture would work better without that phrase anywhere in it. The picture is self-explanatory. You've got colour where there's music, and no colour where there isn't. It's easy to see what you to convey.
You don't need to go on to explain to your audience what you meant, when it is so clearly obvious. Assume some sophistication on the part of your audience.
I also think the picture would look better if the edges of the colourful part were solid, rather than blurry. Or, if the fade extended further into the white part, rather than ending abruptly. Either or.
That's just my opinion, though.