Here is a list of the possible 10 worst flash games ever. This is written for fun and is NOT meant to offend or insult anyone, so please take this with a grain of salt. Also feel free to mention more games if you feel like it. Remember, all in good vibes, people!
The Worst 10 Flash Games Ever
Flash games are those little games that play in a web browser on your computer to kill some boredom away. Some of them are actually good, most of them are rubbish. However, I will be listing the 10 flash games that tried hard to be good yet sucked big in the end.
10. Dancing Coyotes (2008): This game promised to be a good cowboy game, with 3D'ish graphics and even a plot. The problem is with this game is well... everything. 3D graphics are just a bunch of poorly created textures, and the story is boring. It involves the hero whose name I forgot, some villain who eats chili with hot sauce and some other idiot who hada crush on the main hero (I suppose). I think it takes place in Mexico. Or in Italy, I really don't know. (Remember the Spaghetti Westerns?) I have seen two versions of it: One wehre the hero takes the girl at the end, and another where he dumps her (WTF?) This game was so terrible that sometimes its actually good. But still... it makes it to this list. And... Do they honestly try to sell us Russian brides??
9. Bleach Flash Game (2007): This game is based on the popular Japanese Anime "Bleach". Unfortunately, there are some differences between the anime and the game. The anime has interesting characters, cool moves, and a great plot, whereas the game lacks all of these. Whats left? A boring half baked combat game. * Yawn *
8. Tobikomi Jumpman (2007): Oh my, the tragedy... This game tried to be an exact clone of Super Mario Bros, except they tried to be original at the same time. The lousy gameplay is only rivaled by the lack of spirit in the levels. Its a game where your characters set out to find treasures and become rich while having a cool adventure. But at the end... they end up killing Dracula? And take home a hot princess? I guess this is what happens when developers smoke leaf...
7. Batman flash game (2008): This game is based in the AC Comics character "Batman" and actually has an interesting presentation. Unfortunately controls don't feel smooth and your punches don't hit the enemies unless you are OVER them. The game is boring. It is full of videogame cliches such as falling bombs all the way through and... Batman has to save Catwoman? WTF? Must have been another developer who had a boner over Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns...
6. Go Go Emo Rangers (2009): During a short period of time during year 2006, a group of teenagers decided to make a Power Rangers parody on YouTube, known as the Emo Rangers These videos were funny and were even shown on MTV, UK. In 2009 a small videogames studio decided to make a flash game based on the Emo Rangers, and this game was born. It didn't take long before the public realized that yet another disgrace had happened in the world of videogames, as this game was boring, unfunny, repetitive, dull, and full of old and tired stereotypes. The Batman game I just mentioned is top quality when compared to this. Nice job, fagg0ts. After seeing the abysmal quality of this game, I got so depressed I think I became emo.
5. Ninjas Versus Pirates War (2009): Around 2008 (maybe earlier?), some strange fad started on the Internet. It consisted in determining who were better: Ninjas, or Pirates? Well, for sure either one of them are better than this game. This game is supposed to allow players to pick a side and allow them to determine it via highscores and such. It suffered a series of problems, such as that both sides are not balanced, and that graphics leave a lot to be desired, especially the animated things. And last, but not least, there is one major problem with the whole game: It sucks. Sorry but there was no nice way to say it. Next.
4. Robot Rangers: The Zombie Menace (2009): You must be thinking "Wow! A game with BOTH robots and zombies! This must be totally awesome!" Well, think again. This game proves this way of thought totally wrong. This is another power rangers parody gone wrong. You control 1 robot which is the hero. It fires lasers from his eyes. Other robot rangers come to help you, but they are not even characters, they are just shots but instead of drawing a bullet or a laser, they drew a robot. Wow. Lame. Some people actually think this game is fun. Do you know what else is fun? Killing rabbits with a screwdriver. Yay! But wait, there is more, its hard to know when you get hurt, and controls are as counter-intuitive as they can be. Way to ruin a totally great concept, morons!
3. Superman flash game (2007): A flash game in the popular superhero "Superman", this flash game really depicts in rather poorly. After two minutes of playing I didn't figure out what to do, and the awful graphics (16 colors at most, maybe?) didn't help much either. This game is not very attractive at all, and its a shame because it could have been. Superman hasn't been incredibly lucky in the videogames world, has he? (* Cough * Anyone remember Superman 64 ? * cough * )
2. Galactic 123: The Mission (2011): Whoa! This was a good candidate for number one worst flash game, but... didn't make it there. Not sure. Maybe lets make it a tie between this and number one? Anyways... Where do I begin? This is supposed to be some 3D space saga game with a plot. But 3D graphics that look like paper cutouts, horrendous animations, and waves after waves of space mutant frogs that appear in 99% of fights were enough to kill off this project. At least for the time being, they have promised a remake, anime style. On the bright side, I am 100% sure that the remake will be better. No way in the World that it can be worse than this piece of ****!
1. Orni Champions (2007): It seriously must have taken some hard work and dedication to make it to the top of the 10 worst flash games list. See, normally this game would have not made it here because in general it is not very widespread, but the problem is, the author ACTUALLY thinks this game is good. This is a motorcycle game which was supposed to advertise some real life Moto GP event in Madrid, Spain. Lets see... Graphics that look like they were made by a 7 year old? Check. Very basic gameplay? Check. Music that didn't belong? Check. Sloppy animations? Check. It would not have made it to this list at all if it wasn't for the fact that its developer (I think) tried to get sponsors for this game time and time again, failing miserably each time. The funniest part is that the author never understood why HE FAILED. This alone grants number one in our list. I hope you enjoyed this list.
Feel free to mention any particularly awful game. Not exactly "my first game" type of games, but games that actually tried and failed :)