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Tom Clancy has passed away

1,060 Views | 17 Replies

Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 12:55:52

At the age of 66. I've never read any of his works, but I hear he has quite a large following.
It's always a shame when big authors kick the bucket.

Tom Clancy has passed away

Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 13:45:08

When the Government shut down, Clancy shut down as well.

Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 13:50:58

He did a lot, he will be remembered


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Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 13:55:22

I've read one of his books and liked it a lot better than the video games that were made.

RIP Tom Clancy.

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Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 15:11:09

R.I.P. TC.

If remember being introduced to his books through the movie "The Hunt for Red October". Too bad the other movies based on his books weren't as good.

Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 15:27:41

At 10/2/13 12:55 PM, Smittytheghost wrote: At the age of 66. I've never read any of his works, but I hear he has quite a large following.
It's always a shame when big authors kick the bucket.

Some great games come to mind when that guy is mentioned. Sometimes I think the games inspired other games.


Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 15:52:13

At 10/2/13 03:27 PM, jimbobmuffincake wrote: Some great games come to mind when that guy is mentioned. Sometimes I think the games inspired other games.

He was much more focused on literature than he was on video games. Almost all the TC games were based on his novels.

Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 16:47:47

That's sad.


Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 16:58:33

Probably gonna sound like a pleb here, but my Tom Clancy experience is restricted to the video games that carried his name, but I certainly loved them. RIP brotha.

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Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 18:44:27

Always a bummer when a good author dies :(

Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-02 20:39:03

At 10/2/13 03:59 PM, Snaws wrote: they better not fucking cancel medal of honor im going to be pretty livid if that happens

But MoH hasn't been good in years.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-03 00:20:26

Rainbow Six were awesome games but never read the books


Are you not Entertained ?!?

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Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-03 00:31:14

He wrote fun books. R.I.P.

Earlier tonight, in honor of the late Mr. Clancy my bar trivia team named ourselves "The Sum of All Beers."

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Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-03 11:42:29

At 10/2/13 12:55 PM, Smittytheghost wrote: At the age of 66. I've never read any of his works, but I hear he has quite a large following.
It's always a shame when big authors kick the bucket.

Well that's a shame. I didn't know what he looked like prior to this post, nor have I read any of the literate works... but I have played a shitload of the games his works inspired... if those works were inspired by his other works and not completely new works. If so, I hope there's still material for many more.


The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

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Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-03 14:15:18

At 10/2/13 12:59 PM, Shade wrote: Well shit, there goes Splinter Cell.

Tom Clancy didn't write the Splinter Cell novels, so they aren't going anywhere.

Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-03 18:50:58

R.I.P. author dude.
Don't really know of him that well to be honest.

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When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

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Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-03 18:53:53

Its sad that he's passed away- I've even read The Hunt For Red October novel because of seeing the movie.

"I am a part of all that I have met."- Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Response to Tom Clancy has passed away 2013-10-03 19:10:15

Tom Clancy is dead...

...Lando is NOT!


Tom Clancy has passed away

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