kaptainkristian released a video about Newgrounds this morning and everyone should watch it!
People have made some great videos about NG but this one really strikes me for how succinct it is and how much it feels like it came direct from my heart. It's the short version of NG I want everyone to know and understand.
Of course, when videos like this get me feeling all passionate and inspired, my frustrations with the state of NG and the larger internet also emerge.
There's been a lot of drama this week on YouTube over videos being demonetized. People are mad at YouTube but this is the reality of mixing user generated content with brand advertisers; it's the reality NG has been living in since the late 90s, anyway.
So here I go again: Please become a Newgrounds Supporter!
I really don't enjoy asking people to do this. It's not like I woke up one day and said, "Wow, after all I've accomplished, I think I'll spend the rest of my life begging people for money." I just really believe in this system and what it can do for Newgrounds and everyone who shares their work here. We're the most likely platform to make this work.
I generally keep this to myself because it upsets people but last year NG came up $64,000 short. That wasn't even our worst year. I'm super fortunate to be able to lose $64k in one year without going bankrupt but I don't make a new Castle Crashers every day and I'm a finite resource. NG needs to be around in 100 years so people know this shit happened!
And no, NG isn't losing money because it sucks and is dying. We're getting hammered by declining ad rates and ad blockers. We're blacklisted by Google Ads, which makes us blacklisted by Google-owned DoubleClick and any ad network that ties into Google services. We don't track weird personal details about our users and share it with marketers. We have indecent content but we're one of the last decent websites and we're 100% independent.
If NG had 1,800 more monthly subscribers in 2016, we would have broken even. If %0.01 of our monthly visitors became paying subscribers, we'd gain 800 subs per month.
With 800 new subscribers per month, NG would barely need advertisers after one year and we'd be getting ultra competitive with a rev share system that isn't based on pleasing brands. Imagine what that would look like after 3-5 years, it would be insane. It would be ridiculously better than anything anyone ever thought NG could be.
There's a future version of Newgrounds that turns around in my head 24/7 and some days it keeps me going and other days it fills me with despair because we haven't been able to get there. All I know is that our supporter system is the key and I really hope you give it some consideration, if you enjoy NG and can spare $3 per month. You get a lot of great perks and we'll stick you on the Wall of Honor.
Regardless of what the future holds, we have lots of great stuff coming in 2017. Many of you are aware our layout is in transition - the front page, content hubs and feeds are using a streamlined, mobile-adaptive layout. Other pages will be joining them soon, with plenty of improvements along the way. Your support helps fund this ongoing development.
We're celebrating Pico Day on April 30th and will be hosting a Construct 3 Game Jam in mid-May. The Construct 3 public beta is happening now and you can make a game right in your browser, with no prior programming experience.
Scirra (Construct 3 devs) also JUST NOW fixed video imports in the beta. I'm hoping this will be a great tool for making fun classic-style animation collabs like Mr. Dink's Grill, without relying on Flash. I'm gonna experiment with that today but first I gotta go give a talk at La Salle - if any La Salle students are reading this, see ya soon.
Everyone else, thanks for reading and see ya around NG!