At 6/21/17 06:30 PM, TomFulp wrote:
I was tidying up some folders on my computer when I came across Vision.txt, a use case I wrote on August 6th, 2009. Reading this can be kinda inspiring and kinda sad, I've made some notes at the bottom.
original ideas:
1) A primary license, meaning the viral copy contains NG branding but site-locked versions with custom branding can be sold to individual websites.
2) Integrated Flash Ads.
3) Integrated Medals.
4) One week exclusivity on NG before site locked versions can be sold.
man, the 1) part of this list, the one where flash art/movie/game license deals can be sold to other sites for the benefits of advertising an exclusive, viral NG movie/game, ITS AN AWESOME IDEA!
this should be materialised, or, at the very least, NG's brand/logo+watermark should be hard-coded into all of our movies+games, so that if someone posts/advertises any NG movie/game on their website, that at least, NG would get all the fame that it deserves...
also, part 2) worked (partly) on the site, and part 3) worked perfectly. (the idea of adding NG-medals to the games was genius!)
as for part 4), this would be a great idea, so my thoughts are the same as the ones that i've written about part 1), above...
What we accomplished after this was written:
listed below:
(many acomplishments)
10) MindChamber created some beautiful BLAM / PROTECT animations but they hadn't made it into the layout yet and many of the files died in a hard drive explosion.
while i love that you have acomplished most of the targets from your list...
(castle crashers! supporting artists and hosting large, epic contests! (for best movie/game of the month...), creating functional and beautiful userpages, complete with large header pictures, nice page-customisation, AND with the perfect option of creating ''newsposts''...)
im still sad with part 10) :
WHY did mindchamber's BLAM/PROTECT animations got lost?
didnt anyone have a back-up of those files? didnt mindchamper had back-ups/copies of the animations?
didnt any NG-fan/viewer/supporter had any of those animations? (saved/downloaded somewhere?)
can't we find those animations?
i remember seeing those animations on my page, every time i saved (or blammed) a movie that was ''under judgement'', and it made me feel so cool!
this brings back many good memories.
i hope that we will be able to restore those animations, if not for portal use, at least so that they can be submitted to NG's/mindchamper's page, for posterity.
11) Lit Portal... Would still be cool some day. More interviews, at the least.
this would be a GREAT idea!
many people like to write books/short stories/to take interviews on NG's legends...
but will the site handle the bandwith/upload size of so many texts?
(ofcourse, if we compare text's size with the size of flash games+movies, then the comparison becomes funny...
yet, lots of text can become a huge workload for the site...)
Of course, this vision didn't mention anything about the site being mobile friendly or pivoting away from Flash. I also couldn't anticipate just how much revenue would decline in the years to come.
indeed. many changes have happened over the last 8 years...
one of them being many people changing internet platforms from PC's, to smartphones and tablets...
(thus, forcing NG to become mobile-friendly, and/or with a flexible smartphone version APP...)
and an other, being, the sudden change where, people were moving away from flash as an animation program...
but i still believe that there is hope in there.
many people still carry the torch, and the flame will stay alive!
(because many legendary animators are still linked with NG, and many people stick to creating flash animations/working with flash, because they've grown up with NG's classic values and art qualities...
because, it might have started with ''the problems of the future today!'', and it later became ''everything by everyone'', but its still the same site that we know and love, and on its core, it is the place that united us all, into one HUGE, united art collective....
In Plan B land, we've been developing our first-ever Newgrounds release for console and PC, Nightmare Cops! Hoping it will ultimately fund some big projects in NG-land. There's another old document called "Everything, by Everyone, Everywhere" that has yet to be realized.
lastly, yes.
i would love to buy+play ''nightmare cops''! :D
will it get uploaded on steam as well?
plus: i wonder what project is this ''everything by everyone''.... im sure it will be epic, tho! :)
keep up the great work, mr tom fulp!
lets keep this place strong, people!