Language is an imaginary construct for talking about imaginary things. If you peel back the layers of society to that of primitive social mammals, so much of what we communicate feels useless.
If you're a wolf you go up to another wolf that's attractive and start nuzzling them. Said wolf can either nuzzle back or move away to reject you - maybe bite you or growl if you don't take the hint. In this dumbfuck society you have to approach someone and pretend you're interested in them for some intellectual reason - based on a bunch of fabricated ideology - and said person will engage you in a conversation that serves no purpose other than to be a proxy for intimacy, or they come up with some elaborate way of rejecting you so as not to "hurt your feelings." Break convention and several things can happen. You're either harassing someone by not respecting their personal space, being shallow by not engaging in meaningless filler conversations, or being rude by being too direct.
If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.
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