It's so nice seeing so many familiar names (and the old usernames of people who now have different names). :)
So hi, I'm Jade, former mod of these here BBS. I used to spend an unhealthy amount of time here, now I don't.
I still have the Reader's Digest somewhere where Rig was featured as the cover/main story due to the sirtom incident, I think I sent a copy to a couple of users.
Stuff happened, life kind of took me away from things I used to spend a lot of time on (Neopets, here, other things), and I'm hoping that I can try and find some time to rekindle some of those passions without feeling like I shouldn't be doing them for one reason or another. I'm a mom of 2 and married to @devourerjay for 8 years now. My son's inherited my angry clock face shirt and wears it to school, just waiting to see if anyone at his school starts recognizing it.
I miss you guys a lot, and it's been ABSOLUTELY wonderful to see a bunch of people come out of the woodwork to post here. I have a lot of happy memories of things that happened here (as well as some that didn't go very well).