Hey all,
As explained in my other portfolio, I've been playing around with music and sound engineering for quite some time now. Way back in '13, I first considered submitting some voice acting - I'd been toying with that idea for some time and got in touch with @Hyptosis who introduced me to NG. For reasons I don't remember, the plan never went anywhere, Hyptosis was busy with other stuff and after a while I stopped coming here.
Until I had a couple of days off of work last month and for some reason was reminded of this site, so I came to have a look. And the first thing my eye landed on was "Voice Acting Competition deadline in 5 days". I had the time to take this one on and all of a sudden the urge to prove myself was back in full effect. Is spent most of the days I had left writing, and produced my submission in a single afternoon, voices, sound effects and music. And I ended up ranking much higher than expected on my first attempt ever.
After that I started rooting through the community to see what other interesting projects I could find. I submitted auditions for Luckyboy and Inpatient, and for the latter @GrantTheHierophant was kind enough to allow me to add it to my portfolio.
Besides this I started working on my second 100% self produced piece, a spoof of a BBC nature documentary which has the potential to be episodic.
I'm publishing these things here, because:
- I want to be better. I want to learn from mistakes, no matter how tiny they are. If you're reading this, I would very much appreciate it if you took the time to listen to my stuff and offer criticism.
- I want to do more of this. I think I can offer a decent (and improving) level of quality and thoroughly enjoy doing this. Anyone who thinks they can use my skills for a project, paid or unpaid, feel free to get in touch.
Thanks in advance for your attention and response.