Okay here's my Makers and Brakers.
Makers: cute stories, minor characters actually getting story that actually is at least somewhat important to the plot, nice characters, understandable actions, character development, BALANCE (not too little but not too much), high stakes, joke plots (if done well), running gags appearing not too much, good timing, mean characters if they get what they deserve, mean characters actually being entertaining and funny that don't ruin the plot or storyline... (impossible o_O)
Brakers: out of character moments, unnecessary information that drags out the whole story, "everything = bad" world (I'm actually getting sick of seeing like everything becoming depressed and something like that... -_-), "everything becoming like a reality as if the reality is the worst thing to ever exist on earth, but because it's true, it's relateable and therefore it's good" -_-, plot armor, characters suddenly declining like shit, moments/stories that make little to no sense based on it's own logic that it's striving to, too much filler (filler is fine if not used too much and if it's funny filler too), very bad sections appearing in good episodes, unfunny running gags, one trick pony / one quote characters, too many repeated lines, poor audio quality (mostly when the audio is bad or when the audio is so inconsistent (much worse)), characters trying way too hard to become a spotlight (always the annoying ones or the class clownies I would say), uncomfortable topics that are just straight up ewwwwww -_-, everyone suddenly having shizophrenia moments -_-, characters not learning anything, unjustifiable character getting 100% more justice than the other ones, nft >=[, crypto >=[, trying their hardest to defend any evil people / evil corporations, world is destroyed nothing exists anymore because we are so dumb ahahaha ending -_-, heros flattening the stake like literal netherlands after they encounter a problem, "i will always help you you will the best you are so cool omg omg! ^_^" mentality, twitter >=[, x >=[, social media apps somehow existing in today's cartoons or something, cartoons always having a humanitistic-like thing, too much explaining, nerd when he explains too much, velma >=[, grossout humor -_-, bland looking characters, minor characters not getting any screentime, character developing too much or trying too hard to get developed, "whaaaaaaat" moments where characters just try too hard to make random funny faces (totally not an anime issue i swear)
Okay maybe I was being a bit pessimistic, but you get the point..