Hey there!
I've been listening to some old Newgrounds classic tracks. One of my favorite artists was Helix6, who made tracks with a very aggressive, industrial, vibe. I'm looking for artists that have or are similar to this vibe! I'm working on some fun personal projects and I love working with new music, especially underexposed ones that could use a spotlight.
These are 2 examples of my favorites:
In terms of what I like, I like the dark industrial, almost-tactical nature of it. (I'm working on something with a dark, tactical, vibe mixed with horror science fiction.) Aggressive djenty metal guitars, electronic techno beats, hip-hop drum beats, all of it sounding like it went through multiple moments of compression. Similar sounds include Nine Inch Nails, the Half Life OST, Linkin Park, and some of Timesplitters (IceStation comes to mind.) I'm not that picky either, so feel free to recommend whatever comes to mind!