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When are you most productive?

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When are you most productive? 2024-06-29 15:14:40

When do you find yourself the most productive when working on your games?

For myself, I find I'm the most productive in the very early morning or very late at night simply because there's less distractions going on. I don't even feel as sharp as I would be compared to more normal hours but the lack of distractions seems to outweigh not being at 100%. My motivation and my alertness seems to run on different cycles lol.

Working on Bang the Barista Dating Sim Game.

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Response to When are you most productive? 2024-06-29 23:00:24

Not games, but mostly in the early morning and late afternoon and late night. Thank god I can work from home because I'm rather distracted the rest of the time during the day.

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Response to When are you most productive? 2024-07-03 20:45:25

At 6/29/24 03:14 PM, LewdBrood wrote:When do you find yourself the most productive when working on your games?

For myself, I find I'm the most productive in the very early morning or very late at night simply because there's less distractions going on. I don't even feel as sharp as I would be compared to more normal hours but the lack of distractions seems to outweigh not being at 100%. My motivation and my alertness seems to run on different cycles lol.

I have trouble with focus, and especially with programming I really need to be locked in. I'm at my best when the door is closed and I've got droning ambient music going. It's can be pretty hard to get into a flow state though. It's frustrating when I want to get work done but just can't get into that zone.

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Response to When are you most productive? 2024-07-04 16:49:16

night or evening time.


Response to When are you most productive? 2024-07-05 09:00:47

I noticed that if I get really really productive and work a few hours straight, I will "wear out" and slow down and then I will stop completely, zero focus, I'll get silly and then waste my time looking at nothing or else play games or say silly things. sometimes eating solves the problem and I can milk one or two extra hours of productivity

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Que é melhor neste mundo, mar de enganos,

Ser louco c’os demais, que só, sisudo

Response to When are you most productive? 2024-07-05 15:53:41

At 7/5/24 09:00 AM, detergent1 wrote:I noticed that if I get really really productive and work a few hours straight, I will "wear out" and slow down and then I will stop completely, zero focus, I'll get silly and then waste my time looking at nothing or else play games or say silly things. sometimes eating solves the problem and I can milk one or two extra hours of productivity

Oh, I feel that. I'll get hyper focused on a task and really get a ton of work done. But then I'll burn out and it gets really really hard to start back up again. If I have the option, that's normally when I'd try to change tasks for a while and reset. But sometimes that's not an option.

Working on Bang the Barista Dating Sim Game.

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Response to When are you most productive? 2024-07-06 14:00:55

I feel like around 9:30 pm is when my brain turns on, maybe related to recovering after work. Programming at any other time of day I get distracted or can't think about my code in a way that enables progress. Weekends are hit or miss.

Response to When are you most productive? 2024-07-06 21:42:14

When im distractin myself i work more on the game, that's why im never making the game, lol

Response to When are you most productive? 2024-07-08 18:13:13

Like other replies, I really find myself getting in the zone at night chilling to lofi / ambient music.

Response to When are you most productive? 2024-07-29 02:35:45

hen working on your games?

For myself, I find I'm the most productive in the very early morning or very late at night simply because there's less distractions going on. I don't even feel as sharp as I would be compared to more normal hours but the lack of distractions seems to outweigh not being at 100%. My motivation and my alertness seems to run on different cycles lol.

I have trouble with focus, and especially with programming I really need to be locked in. I'm at my best when the door is closed and I've got droning ambient music going. It's can be pretty hard to get into a flow state though. It's frustrating when I want to get work done but just can't get into that zone.

its opposite fro me when it comes to the drobne music. If I listen to that I am going to go to bed and get so sleepy i might miss world war 'cause drone and even positive songs thta are slowed down that shit is really nasty on my adhd brain.

Response to When are you most productive? 2024-08-03 16:27:49

So, I livestream my game making process on twitch to an average of 1 and a half viewers (lol).

I find it easier to stay productive when I'm doing that. I couldn't say exactly why that is, but I suspect something about embarrassment or showing commitment. It's a bit harder to get distracted for half an hour when in the back of my mind I know someone could pop in chat at any moment or whatever.

Plus I record the streams and upload them to youtube as a timelapse, and for that I need the time to be spent actually working so that I don't have tons of dead time I need to then edit and re-render.

But it has created this nice little ritual where I open OBS and hit record at the beginning and then stop recording at the end, so by force of habit now taking those actions has become an easy way to boot into "work mode".