At 9/29/24 09:21 AM, NikoN1nja wrote:I have no idea whether I should ask about it here or in Programming, just thought posting it in Wi/Ht would bring a bit more attention.
So, games with scores. As long as I've been here, they always had neither a score-based leaderboard or a time-based one, but never both. The question is: is it even possible to have both leaderboard types for the same game?
You can create multiple NG leaderboards with a few different formats for game. I'm including a picture below of what's shown in the NG API leaderboard section of a submission that details what each type is and how it's shown
To submit to multiple leaderboards on a single project, all you need to do is add in the appropriate code with the leaderboard IDs formatted if necessary. How to do this will depend on the platform and NG.IO integration you use.