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true meaning of salad fingers

189,062 Views | 54 Replies

If you didn't watch Salad Fingers or don't plan to don't waste your time reading this.

This is my theory of salad fingers (SF) which I compiled with the help of a few others. Just want to know what you guys think, and if you can add/refute anything I've written. I'm determined now to get the big picture.
SF, AKA Hubert C from EP 2 (his alternate personality) is schizophrenic, SF being his gentle but innocent side, Hubert being his malevolent side. (BTW Hubert C unscrambled is BUTCHER). Salad is kind of the opposite of "butcher" since salad implies vegetarian, while butcher implies meat-eater. SF is basically a psycopathic cannibal living in his own eerie world in his head. He has a strong affinity for rust which he cites as being orgasmic in feel, but rust is also closely related to blood, both in its iron content, taste, and color, giving credibility to my theory that SF's alter ego is obsessed with blood, while innocent SF thinks its rust. Salad doesn't even know what blood is, but implies he loves it in EP 2 when he says that he loves the red liquid coming out of him. He cuts the skin off his victims and wears it around much like in Silence of the Lambs. The puppets in Ep 2 are either skin puppets or body suits made by SF. Also notice that the black figure has bites taken out of it in EP 2, giving credibility to the cannibal theory. SF hates himself, which is evident when he says that Hubert C tastes like poo and soot, an example of self loathing. Below are some random observations
Jeremy fisher (EP 2) is a kids storytale that shares many similarities with the second episode.
In Ep 3 SF finds a nettle and puts it in a carriage. I think the nettle may actually be a BABY that, in SF's distorted mind takes the form of a plant. BTW, "nettle" in its verb form means to gnaw into or to irritate. It also means to "get under ones skin" which is what SF does with his victims. Salad probably "gnaws into" this baby when he takes it home, much like he will later to the father of the kid, who takes the form of the crazy man (crazy to SF, but probably sane in reality). Also, SF probably beats the man to death in his malevolent alter ego. Calling a baby a nettle, or an "irratation" is quite accurate since most people find the constant crying of a baby annoying. I think SF even has the baby sucking on his nipple, NOT a plant rubbing against his chest
SF's teeth have letters written on them if you zoom in.I think his teeth are like a Wheel of Fortune board, and more letters will be revealed as the story progresses
Look at the picture in EP 2 that is on the wall of the screaming kid of a fairly normal looking person. As SF passes it, the person is screaming with their eyes bloody. (zoom in, pause)
When SF's house is shown, there's a 22. There are also 22 numbers in Marjory's name with spaces and hyphens. The 22nd letter of the alphabet is V, coming from the Hebrew "vav" meaning hook or nail, which Salad uses to hang his human meat. The meat locker is shown in EP. 2. As of now, these are only coincidences to me and I can't really piece them together. The person I got this particluar bit of info from thinks that Baxter was his ex-wife that he killed and baked her in the oven. BTW, Baxter means "baker"
The screaming kid in episode 2 may have been boiled by Salad, hence the "rusty kettle" scene
So the bottom line is this IMO: SF is a canabalistic schizophrenic who hides the fact that he is a killer to himself with his alter ego Hubert. He has a morbid fascination of blood, and parades around in the skins of victims he kills through "Hubert". He kills his wife Baxter for whatever reason and gouges her eyes out. He also has a meat locker in his house where he stores the skinned bodies of his victims for later consumption. No one makes sense in SF's reality, but they probably do in OUR reality. The film is shown entirely through the innocent eyes of SF

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

damn, I HAD different paragraphs but it didn't work, sorry for those of you that want to read this

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

That is incredibly insightful. Seriously, I was going to flame you but what you are saying makes sense. I agree, pretty much entirely, I always suspected SF was a murderer. But it was nothing more than a feeling and I never really put any thought into it, but I think you may be right....or you're overinterpreting it, whatever.

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

wow thats a good interpitaion of it i guess

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

most hilarious waste of anyone's time EVER

you win the prize

BBS Signature

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

THis stuff is to long to read, therefore it was made by nazis

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

woah, that must have taken forever to type and research etc..i hadn't really thought about what the cartoons meant as such, i just think they're weird and cool.

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

i read it and here is what i think of it

true meaning of salad fingers


BBS Signature

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

Im really impressed. Like..Ive never seen anything analyzed so deeply and with such valid points. Reminds me of those crazy hours i was stuck analyzing the shit out of the poem " the lesson of the moth" I think it was?
Anyways. Im totally in awe. Great job.

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

Judging by the fact that this is a flash animation on New Grounds, I'm guessing that the author just made it to be wierd. I don't think there's a whole lot of meaning behind it, although I could be wrong.

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

At 8/2/04 05:55 PM, -Cassidy- wrote: most hilarious waste of anyone's time EVER

you win the prize

yup, no shit. i think salad fingers is pretty stupid anyway.

Lets Brawl! 4081-5194-2450

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

what about the instrument playing,choise of words,and the dead guy in Ep3's name?

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

Wow, I too was prepared to flame this thread, but excellent post!

I do think that you've overanalysed one or two details, possibly the number "22" and other such details might be coincidences, but on the grand scheme of things I think it makes sense...

The meatlocker scene in SF2 did actually make me think there was something alternative and weird in the movie, and with Hubert Cumberdale freaking out in that bit, it is a strong evidential link with what you are saying... I think you're definately onto something, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what unfolds.

Either way, Salad Fingers is one of the best and definately most creepy Flash series' I've seen in a very long time.

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

That's very interesting.

You think too much.

I am not responsible for the content of the post above.

BBS Signature

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

Look honestly you're putting to much thought into it. If the author really did mean to put all this shit it there and wants it to be taken seriously, then he's 3 times as crazy as any finger puppet with a craving for male milk.

BBS Signature

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

At 8/2/04 06:43 PM, -Cassidy- wrote: Look honestly you're putting to much thought into it. If the author really did mean to put all this shit it there and wants it to be taken seriously, then he's 3 times as crazy as any finger puppet with a craving for male milk.

No, if the author put that much thought in, he's a creative genius.

And put it this way... being a Flash artist is a bit different to being a cartoon maker - everything is hand-drawn, every detail takes some level of thought, some meaning. You notice in SF part 3 that the "dad" at the end who dies, is called Harry, and he works at some sort of BBQ place... his nametag says Harry but to see this you need to zoom in. Therefore the creator of the movie must have had to zoom in and write this name legibly... why?

Because he wanted us to see it. Maybe that one individual detail isn't very meaningful, although he did expect people to take it into account - but it goes to show that many of the details he put in WILL have some reflection on his thoughts and ideas.

I'd say that if this movie was entirely random, I'd be freaked out by the artist, since you'd have to be INSANE to think of stuff that scary without it having any relevance... therefore I think the person who wrote this thread has a point.

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

Sorry, but I think you've missed the point of Salad fingers by thinking too much. I guess it's whatever you want it to be. I love surrealisim because it makes more sense to me than real life.

Newgrounds is a website for 13 year olds who cannot understand the difference between "there", "their" and "they´re".

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

At 8/2/04 05:48 PM, zhangmaster wrote:

damn, you got way to much free time on your hands to figure out something like that.

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 2, 2004

Just to let some of you know. This really wasn't a waste of time. True, I did SOME research, but at the top of the post i stated that I also got some info from others. I might have researched the "nettle" thing and given a bunch of ideas, but the true hard work, like the number 22 and research on Jeremy fisher as a sotrybook was done by others that I quickly read and analyzed. I honestly didn't spend THAT much time researching. Might be a waste of time to a few of you, but I was bored this week, and after seeing SF for the first time and seeing what the author was getting at, I thought "what the hell". 99% of the time I spent thinking about this was at my horribly boring job painting houses where your thoughts wander 8 hours a day. BTW some of you guys said were gonna flame me? What for, the subject, the lenght, what?

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 13, 2004

WOW im totally convinced! We shall truely see when ep.4 airs.
Great work zhang!

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 13, 2004

Hahah although you found a shitload of stuff, I HIGHLY doubt there is any connection.

BBS Signature

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 13, 2004

i think the true meaning is that more people should have a rust fetish ooooo that rust nail feels good on my nipples yay

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 13, 2004

That was a good opinion though.

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 13, 2004

Excellent post. You bring up some very valid points and you tie them together nicely. Great research and analysis.

I'm just wondering if the author of SF really meant his movies to be read into this deeply. If so, he's a creative genius, if not, its fairly odd coincidence that all this fits.

I could surely die

If I only had some pie

Club-a-Club Club, son

BBS Signature

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 13, 2004

At 8/2/04 06:02 PM, Illegal-Product wrote: i read it and here is what i think of it

I think someone should murder and rape you in an alley.

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 13, 2004

I just read the whole thing... even if that isn't what the author intended the meaning to be, it's a very good interpretation.

BBS Signature

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 13, 2004

Look at this piece of art: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/73441

Colors fits prefectly in scene. Stick is taking a leak, see sticks pinor and stick itself look almost same. But it takes a leak, which have a deep meaning that all sticks are peing. We all know that pee is a waste, so it the stick. So now we are getting to conclusion and stick is a waste which means that stick movies are crap. Then stick's waste is going to toilet, which represents newgrounds. It comes and comes and comes again, and nothing can stop it as this movie loops, only if you will make it to stop play, which will represent as Tom will stop all newgrounds so no one can upload staff. Or you can just close the window which will represent as newgrounds will be closed.

Thanks for reading this

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 14, 2004

I never thought of it that way (of course I doubt anyone else did either). Is there some way you can explain the flute? Because that just doesn't seem to fit in with your interpretation at all. You could be on to something, and now I want to watch Salad Fingers 4 even more. ^o^

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 14, 2004

you really put allot of time into that theory....but it kinda made since you must like him more than me.

Response to true meaning of salad fingers Aug 14, 2004

At 8/2/04 05:48 PM, zhangmaster wrote: true meaning of salad fingers

You're like those people who ruin movies
for everyone by relating them to the bible