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Favorite Urban Legends.

4,501 Views | 39 Replies

Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 00:18:57

Yes, I'm bored so leik, post your favorite Urban Legends, one's you made up/ version you made up or go to http://www.snopes.com and find one :)

Here's mine (got it from Snopes...)

A lass someone at college knew was travelling in her boyfriend's car late at night through the New Forest when their car suddenly started spluttering and stalled. They'd run out of petrol in the middle of nowhere. At first she thought it might be a ruse by her bloke to get a bit of rural slap and tickle, but the concern on his face soon scotched that. It was pitch black, and the only light they could see was coming from what looked like a mansion or hospital some miles away. The boyfriend told her to lock the doors and wait while he went for help.

Hours passed, and still no sign of him. She was beginning to get very nervous. Still more time went by, when she was startled by a horrendous banging on the back, then the top of the car. Before she could scream, the car was surrounded by police cars with lights flashing and sirens wailing.

A voice over a loud-hailer told her: "Get out of the car slowly, walk steadily towards the police line, and don't, repeat don't, look around." She did as she was told, but as she neared the police line, she couldn't stop herself looking round at the car to see what was making the awful thumping noise . . . only to see an escaped psychopath banging her boyfriend's severed head on the car roof.

There's also the one where he hangs the BF...

A teenager is driving his girlfriend home from a date. The boy had been playing around earlier about the car running out of gas as a means to make out with her. Well, it doesn't work and she's mad. He starts up the car to take her home, apologizing all the way, when lo and behold they actually do run out of gas. He pulls the car over by some trees. It's very late and the area is secluded and wooded. The boy tells his girlfriend that he saw a gas station a couple of miles back and since going ahead would take even longer, he tells her to stay in the car with the windows rolled up and locked and he'll get back as fast as he can, no sense in both of them going, right?

Well, the girl waits in the car. It's been about 20 minutes when she hears a faint scratching noise. It starts to bother her, but she blows it off as the tree branches hitting the car, it had been windy that day, She decides to turn on the radio to listen to some music so it won't freak her out. Well, now it's been almost 2 hours and she's starting to get worried. Her boyfriend was a jock and could have easily made it there and back in under an hour. A half hour later she's very worried and decides to turn off the radio and look around. He had told her not to get out under any circumstances so she tries to peer out the window, she sees nothing. To her annoyment the scratching sound is still there. She decides that she will get out just long enough to break off that damn branch. She gets out and notices the gas can on the ground near the door. She immediately turns around and sees her boyfriend hanging upside down from the tree, throat slit, and his fingernails dragging across the top of the car making a scratching sound. Of course, had she been listening to talk radio instead of music, she would have known a maniac had escaped from the asylum near the woods where they were parked.

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 00:52:05

bloody mary

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 00:56:59

At 12/2/05 12:18 AM, Mad-Cow wrote: I like to make things look important and scary by bolding and Italicizing them

don't do that, it doesn't make it look any better, It's just annoying

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 01:04:18

I got a true one,tha's right.it's true!
The 1981 film For Your Eyes Only was the twelfth in the James Bond series and marked the fifth appearance of Roger Moore as secret agent 007. Like all Bond offerings, the non-stop action was sprinkled with bodacious babes, about one of whom questions subsequently surfaced.

Caroline Cossey (back row, center) with the other Bond girls in For Your Eyes Only Tula (Caroline Cossey)
Cossey, one of the "Bond girls" appearing in that film was a transexual, a man who had undergone a sex change. Ms. Cossey began life in 1954 as Barry Cossey but later decided to live as a woman. She changed her name to Caroline in 1972, began taking hormone tablets, had breast augmentation surgery, and in 1974 underwent the final sex reassignment surgery (SRS) to transform her into a woman. From about 1979 to 1986 Caroline worked as a fashion model and actress under the name Tula, and she caught a break in 1980 when she was cast in the James Bond film For Your Eyes Only. Shortly after the film's release in 1981, however, the UK tabloid News of the World "outed" her as a transsexual and disrupted her modeling and acting career.

Caroline's first attempt at marriage, to Count Glauco, an Italian national, was blocked in 1983 by legal complications (under English law she was still considered male). In 1989 she married Elias Fattal in London, but her husband left her shortly after the honeymoon and the marriage was annulled by the High Court (under a ruling that the bride and groom had not been female and male, respectively). Caroline told her story in the 1982 book, Tula: I Am a Woman and published an autobiography, My Story, in 1991; she has resumed her modelling career and is now married to David Finch, a Canadian.

But Caroline Cossey was a 'Bond girl' in only the most fleeting of ways: She appeared but briefly on screen in For Your Eyes Only, and film credits describe her as "girl at pool," a designation she shared with ten other actresses.

Rumors about the real transexual Bond girl have morphed over time, with later versions asserting the woman in question had been one of the primary love interests in For Your Eyes Only. (That role was filled by French actress Carole Bouquet, appearing as the vengeful daughter of the scientist the villain had done away with.) Though it makes for a more satisfying rumor to have Roger Moore recoiling in horror at having discovered he'd just performed a love scene with an actress who'd been born male, it just didn't happen.

Barbara "Moore or less" Mikkelson

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 01:06:13

My favorite urban legend is that of Polybius, an old arcade game that was said to cause seizures, nightmares, and suicide in those who played it. According to legend, it was even part of top-secret psychoactive experiments, and the effects of the machines were studied by men in black.

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 01:33:53

My fav is the army guy who used a jet engine with his car.

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 01:34:58

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 01:36:56

At 12/2/05 01:34 AM, -wwwyzzerdd- wrote: But of course

Can that still be an urban legend if it's been proven true?

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 01:38:41

At 12/2/05 01:36 AM, TheConfused wrote: Can that still be an urban legend if it's been proven true?

He was considered a myth, and they proved it to be true.

My favorite fake story is the black-market kidney, where a prostitute drugged a dude and took his kidney.

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 01:42:20

There's the one about the slightly overweight woman who wants to lose weight. But, she's too lazy to work out and diet so she searches for a quick-fix-solution. She finds an ad in a magazine. It says a person can lose several pounds a week without exercise or dieting! "Eat all the cake you want!" Just take one pill. She sends her check to the company that's located in some tiny 3rd World country. She gets a bottle with one capsule (not pill) inside of it. She's confused, but swallows it anyway! She starts to lose a lot of weight as the weeks go by, all the while eating everything she wants! After a while, she realizes she's always hungry and is losing too much weight! She eats more! Gets even more hungry, and loses more weight! Something's wrong!.... So goes to the doctor. He runs some tests. She has a large tape-worm inside of her that's consuming all the food she eats! They operate immediately! She would have starved to death if they didn't! She realizes the diet capsule had a small tape-worm inside of it! That's why she lost all that weight!

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 01:43:04

At 12/2/05 01:38 AM, -wwwyzzerdd- wrote:
At 12/2/05 01:36 AM, TheConfused wrote: Can that still be an urban legend if it's been proven true?
He was considered a myth, and they proved it to be true.

My favorite fake story is the black-market kidney, where a prostitute drugged a dude and took his kidney.

I've heard tons of stories like that.I still think mine's the best.

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 01:55:18

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 03:21:01

Allow me.

Favorite Urban Legends.

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 03:58:07

I like the one where the guy was swimming in his pool and he got really horny and decided to sitck his winki in the jet and it got stuck and he had to call the fire department lmao that was is the best!!!!!!!!!!!

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 04:08:13

At 12/2/05 12:18 AM, Mad-Cow wrote: Yes, I'm bored so leik, post your favorite Urban Legends.

That one where I become rich and successful beyond my wildest dreams.


Thats a good one.

BBS Mod. PM with queries and complaints if you must.

LazyTV | Stuff White People Like

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 04:13:00

I was visiting my sister in Oregan recently, and I picked up a book entitled "ghost stories of Oregon". There was two stories in particular that i remember.

One was a simple lighthouse hanuting ( well, there was two of those actually), because we went to the lighthouses in question, and checked them out for ourselves. The tour guides didn't mention the ghosts untill i brought the topic up... Either they knew about it, but didn't believe, OR they DO believe in them, because its TRUE, and they were covering up ? ( both stories were gruesome, and not really, "family" material )

the other was cooler. Theres this particular road out by the north west Oregan coast ( can't fucking remmeber what ). But its supposedly terrorised by "the bandage man". Its this human figure covered in bandages, bleeding and leaking pus and whatnot... The first sign of him is the smell... imagine a ridiculously large pile of rotten fish, now sprinkle that pile of fish with a 6 month old dead body, and then take a shit on it... thats apparently what it smells like. The bandage man has apparently attacked and eaten live animals, and harrased cars. Wether its local high school kids messing or something remains to be uncovered.

Heres a cracking story from Ireland.

I live in a county in Ireland called Cork. Its right down at the bottom of the country. Theres this day-cent town in cork called Kinsale ( check out some pictures of it, tis a nice place ) . Kinsale started as a fishing town because of that killer port, but now its Cork's playground of the rich and famous ( well.... of the rich at least.. we don't get many celebs out here, but the RARE few who do, they know Kinsale )

Theres two big ass forts in Kinsale, on the heads of the peninsulas of the port. Charles Fort, and James Fort. As far as i remmber, they were built by the british to defend from the french, but then we, the Irish got bored and sort of, took em over and beat the shit outa the brits... i think.

Anyway, way back in the 17 or 18th hundreds, there was a high-ass ranking officer, named Colonel Warrender living in Charles fort. He was notoriously strict and disiplined, and harsh on his troops... picture the stereotypical British Officer, high brown knee boots, a sheathed sword, on of those safari hats... massive grey handle bar mustache, constantly saying "what what" and "jolly good", that kind of guy. His daughter had found love and married a young Officer by the name of... Trevor... something... On thier wedding day, Trev and his wife were walking along the battlements of charles fort, when the missus spotted some flowers growing down on the rocks below ( remember, the fort is RIGHT on a cliff.. so thers a big steep drop to the beach below ). She asked the new hubby if they could go down and get some. Being drunk as... well, an Irishman, Trev said she should go on without him, the cliff looked to daunting, but he would send a nearby sentry with her.

Trevor would have to take the place of the sentry however. This was a time of war after all, depiste the festivitys of the marriage day. So, with Trevour in the Sentry's outfit, the sentry climbed down the cliff with the Bride to get some flowers. They took way longer than expected, and Trev ( being drunk and tired ) dozed off.

Colonel Warrender was on his daily rounds... when he came across a sleeping sentry... A SLEEPING SENTRY, WE'LL NOT HAVE THAT, so he shot the dreaming muppet... oh wait a sec... its Trevor... BOLLOX !

When the daughter found out, she was so distraught she fucked herself off the battlements of the fort to her bloody and well-messy death below... The colonel, after losing his beloved daughter to suicide, and after he accidentaly popped a cap in his son-in-law's ass, went a bit mad, climbed the highest tower of the fort, in full unifrom, and shot himself.

one hell of a wedding day huh...

Heres the myth part... On foggy as fuck nights, you can see, AND HEAR the "White Lady" as she has become known ( she was still in her wedding dress when she died ). Either on the beach, or the main bridge of Kinsale harbour.

I was out drinking there one night, and to this day i swear that i heard a screm, and saw a white figure on the bridge. Mind you, we were drunk, and it was REALLY foggy, so we were telling the story all night... so it was probably the power of suggestion.

Still... i like that story, its cool, and local...

theres even a puc named The White Lady in her hounour, and it RIGHT by the bridge were you can see her... spooky....

heres a picture of charle fort.... i found it while refreshing my memory on goole as to the husbands name.

Favorite Urban Legends.

as a wise man once said - " i don't know whats i be doin'... "

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 04:23:39

Ha ha! What a load of bollocks this one is!!

A man was cooking Oodles of Noodles and accidentally spilled the pan of boiling water and noodles onto his bare feet. The heat causing his pores to open and the noodles to enter his skin

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 04:35:21

At 12/2/05 01:06 AM, LordXanthus wrote: My favorite urban legend is that of Polybius,

That is my new favorite, I bet the "Men In Black" where Bill Gates and his crew, lol.

"As I'm sure you're aware it is full of silhouettes of girls. The one on the M looks like she has a dick, just saiyan." -Shade-

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 04:35:33

At 12/2/05 04:23 AM, CatSyrup wrote: Ha ha! What a load of bollocks this one is!!

Ah, the age old legend of noodle foot.

Beware the noodle foot the village elders say, he breaks into people's houses at night and takes all their instant noodles.

I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.

BBS Signature

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 05:08:22

We were studying Urban Legends in English last year, and I read those two you posted. They are quite weird and puts you off driving alone at night, eh.

"Actually, the server timed out trying to remove all your posts..."


Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 05:16:52

At 12/2/05 04:35 AM, Ssilver7 wrote:
I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.

Lmao!! Noodle-foot will come into your house in the night and leave a bit of a stain on the upholstery

Asian legends are better


Perhaps the most famous, scariest and violent ghost in the Malaysian culture. Primarily, the Malays believe that it originates from a still born child, women who dies while giving birth, women who were killed by the pontianak or their spirits captured by them. The phrase "Pontianak" was believed from the acronym of "Perempuan Mati Beranak" in the Malay language, meaning the woman death by childbirth. After such death, precautions are taken to prevent them from rising like

Putting glass beads in the corpses mouth so that they can't shriek

Placing eggs under the corpses armpits so that they can't fly

Placing needles in their palms so that they can't fly also
( apparently the palm helps the pontianak to fly )

Pontianak usually announces its presence through baby cries or turn themselves into beautiful lady and frighten or kill the unlucky who enter or pass through their vicinity. It usually disguise itself as a beautiful young lady to attract its victim (usually male). Its presence sometimes can be detected by a nice floral fragrance of the 'kemboja' (a type of flower) followed by an awful stench afterwards. The distance of a pontianaks cries are very tricky. The Malays believe that if the cry is soft means that the pontianak is near and if it is loud then it must be far.
Want to know how a pontianak kills? It digs into your stomach with its long sharp fingernails and feed on it to survive. And want to know why we don't hang our clothes at night outside the house? It's because people believe that it sniffs your clothes to suck your blood.
It is also believed that the pontianak can be killed by plunging a nail down the back of its neck whereby it will transform the pontianak into a beatiful normal girl.

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 05:19:55

The one about the prostitute that could give head and sing at the same time. But only if the lights were turned off.

I don't take revenue from my profile.

TV Tropes Wiki

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 19:16:13

At 12/2/05 03:21 AM, -Macabre- wrote: Allow me.

That's not an Urban Legend, that's just weird/fucked up/scary/freakeh mayun.

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 19:18:47

Where the chick is fuckin herself with the back of a broom while standing on a table and her mom walks in and she falls off and kills herself.

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 19:24:32

At 12/2/05 01:06 AM, Altois09 wrote: your dog is in the mircowave cooked and dead,and you go to puke and u drowned in the toilet

Dude, that part where he poured pop rocks and either mouthwash or alcohol into the guys mouth creeped the shit outta me for some reason

Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 19:37:09

At 12/2/05 03:21 AM, -Macabre- wrote: Allow me.

I don't feel so good...



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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 19:43:04

At 12/2/05 03:21 AM, -Macabre- wrote: Allow me.

That is so fake, you can see that it's photo shopped.

I personally like the urban legend about pop rocks and soda.

Hello Mr. Krinkle

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 19:55:52

i got one. i made this one up
a guy is driving on his new motorcycle down the road. he gets stuck behind this big truck. he notices that the truck is hauling sheet metal. feeling nervous about the sheet metal, he begins to pass the truck. just as hes coming around to pass the truck, a sheet of metal comes loose. the sharp metal cuts his head completely off. but after hes been decapitated, his body keeps driving the motorcycle. the motorcycle passes the truck and keeps going. the truck driver sees this and has a heart attack. after the heart attack, the driver falls over on the wheel and makes the truck go off the road. the truck goes off the road and plows into a nearby crowd of children waiting at the bus stop.
crazy huh?

I'm gonna go back to my room and be awesome.

Desert Punk of the NG /A/|My VA Demo Reel|Audio Portal|

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 20:06:04

Golden crisp baked baby, exploding toilet, and more.

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Response to Favorite Urban Legends. 2005-12-02 20:07:37

that first story is really cool