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What I Think About Marriage/dating

790 Views | 16 Replies

Hm. I notice how there's like, states or something in the United States making interracial and/or gay marriage illegal. And that is complete BS. I mean, it shouldn't be against the law if someone wants to spend the rest of their life with someone of the same gender or someone of different race. There has to be a reason for all these restrictions to gay/interracial marriage/dating, and I just don't see what's so bad about it that makes it illegal.

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-02 07:51:22

maybe the fact that marriage is still a faith thing, it a holy bond and the church disaproves with gay marriage. so thats why

but I agree I think it should be legal to

God invented evolution 'cause he couldn't do it all by himself! Awesome Tees!

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Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-02 07:54:38

Your'e a tool buddy, interracial marriage hasn't been illegal in 50 years and homosexual marriage never was legal to begin with. What your'e trying to get at is that you think homosexuals should be allowed to marry one another.

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Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-02 15:13:26

At 6/2/06 07:54 AM, Me-Patch wrote: Your'e a tool buddy, interracial marriage hasn't been illegal in 50 years and homosexual marriage never was legal to begin with. What your'e trying to get at is that you think homosexuals should be allowed to marry one another.

It was illegal 60 years ago, not 50 years ago.
Germans weren't allowed to marry other races in Nazi Germany

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-02 15:22:06

i think Oneiro is absolutely right. except that their illegal (which they're not). but, they are looked down upon in the eyes of many people, especially the church with gay marriage. Why should someones happiness be shattered because you think its wrong? They're not doing anything bad like killing people or anything, are they? just leave gays alone!

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Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-02 17:44:30

At 6/2/06 07:51 AM, Tomsan wrote: maybe the fact that marriage is still a faith thing, it a holy bond and the church disaproves with gay marriage. so thats why

Thing is, nowadays you can get just legally married without having to deal with the church and faith - homosexuals are still denied that.

but I agree I think it should be legal to

same here, although I would prefer if they weren't allowed to get married in church, since it goes against christianity for same sex people to be married. one should respect their faith.

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-02 19:17:22

I think they should be able to get married outside of church, so just in a legal sense. But I dont think we can force any church to see it as official, I mean like in the eyes of god.

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-02 19:57:40

They are outlawing it to prevent rogue factors from instituting gay marriage. Rogue factors include mayors and state judges.

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-03 19:34:06

At 6/2/06 05:44 AM, OneiroNIN wrote: Hm. I notice how there's like, states or something in the United States making interracial and/or gay marriage illegal. And that is complete BS.

Where exactly in the Bible is interracial marriage condemned? Even Moses (a Hebrew) had an Ethiopian wife.

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-03 20:44:04

At 6/3/06 07:34 PM, SundayBest wrote:
At 6/2/06 05:44 AM, OneiroNIN wrote: Hm. I notice how there's like, states or something in the United States making interracial and/or gay marriage illegal. And that is complete BS.
Where exactly in the Bible is interracial marriage condemned? Even Moses (a Hebrew) had an Ethiopian wife.

Not the best example...
Even Aaron and Miriam object to Moses' "Jungle Fever."

While I wouldn't say its "dating"--
But I think the Book of Joshua mentions several times about "utterly destroying" other people, and not marrying them... or mixing with them... or whatever-- I guess you could put "dating" on that list too.

But I'm not here to dispute about this because the Old Testament sort goes back and forth between this issue about non-Jewish people...

We do know that during the Civil Rights era-- people did use the Bible to keep segregation. Their arguments: Black peoples' blackness is the sign of Cain, and thus should be enslaved...

God seperated people by the continents so they wouldn't intermingle...

And others (I can't remember...)

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-03 20:58:12

I removed the gay marriage part to comment on it later.

At 6/2/06 05:44 AM, OneiroNIN wrote: Hm. I notice how there's like, states or something in the United States making interracial marriage illegal.

No there aren't. Name a state that is making interracial marriage illegal. That would never EVER happen, EVER.

And that is complete BS. I mean, it shouldn't be against the law if someone wants to spend the rest of their life with someone of different race.

It isn't and it hasn't for a long, long time. Everyone is free to marry people of different races.

There has to be a reason for all these restrictions to interracial marriage/dating, and I just don't see what's so bad about it that makes it illegal.


I like how you snuck gay marriage in there to make it seem like its the same thing. Look the vast majority of Americans are not against interracial marriage but gay marriage is very controversial. You can't compare them.

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-04 23:22:45

I think a man should have the right to make slow, sweet love to a sheep.
It's too bad that sheep-f***ing porn doesn't exist. :'(

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-04 23:42:48

i don't know why the idea of freedom is so hard. why can't a guy and anouther guy get married in free country.

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-05 00:06:33

Come to Canada, you can marry your lover here.

Bellum omnium contra omnes

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Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-05 00:14:39

At 6/3/06 07:34 PM, SundayBest wrote: Where exactly in the Bible is interracial marriage condemned?

The people of the world started to unite and try to builda walkway to heaven. God didn't like this because he often acted like a jerk, so he seperated all the races and peoples.

Even Moses (a Hebrew) had an Ethiopian wife.

Oh really now?

Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-05 01:08:55

At 6/2/06 03:13 PM, Kenzu wrote: It was illegal 60 years ago, not 50 years ago.

And before that, the British outlawed intermarrying between Scots and Irish because they feared the potential offspring. So it's certainly not a new idea.

No state would be so stupid as to try and pass a law banning interracial marriage, just as no state would be so stupid as to try and ban interfaith marriage. These are issues on which the majority of Americans would agree. Homosexual marriage (or "marriage," as the Washington Times insists on calling it) is more contentious. Many Americans don't believe that gays should be allowed to marry. The recent NPR poll suggests that 56% of Americans directly oppose the idea.

This does not mean that anti-gay-marriage legislation will hold up under Judicial Review, but it does mean that it will get passed in many states. Such as Virginia, where it is already in place.

He followed me home, can I keep him?

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Response to What I Think About Marriage/dating 2006-06-05 12:16:18

At 6/5/06 01:08 AM, SkunkyFluffy wrote: And before that, the British outlawed intermarrying between Scots and Irish because they feared the potential offspring. So it's certainly not a new idea.

haha, the Irish and the Scots were so powerful on their own that the Brits feared what would happen if they had children together, wow thats great.


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