At 1/6/08 04:04 PM, M-to-the-C wrote:
AYE! Its better then that dribble you hear coming from Korn and what ever crappy music you listen too.
In my opinion, no, it obviously isn't which is why I said what I did.
"Ooh theres a song and I don't know what there saying, that must be grind, DURRRR"
...that was the point. From what i'd heard of grind and from what I'd seen from Wiki and you guys, it seemd that youre not meant to understand what they say. I made the connection vocally with a Kron song. Unfortunatley, The grind songs I looked at are simply not up my ally, because, as explained, they don't even sound like music. The screaming was actually often quie bad, and nothing else had any eel to it. It was all simple cookie-cutter rythms sped up to the point where they actually lack coherence. I prefer my music to actually sound like something...
Ive become the KoRn guy.
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