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Grindcore Gore Pit

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Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 6, 2008

At 1/6/08 04:04 PM, M-to-the-C wrote:

AYE! Its better then that dribble you hear coming from Korn and what ever crappy music you listen too.

In my opinion, no, it obviously isn't which is why I said what I did.

"Ooh theres a song and I don't know what there saying, that must be grind, DURRRR"

...that was the point. From what i'd heard of grind and from what I'd seen from Wiki and you guys, it seemd that youre not meant to understand what they say. I made the connection vocally with a Kron song. Unfortunatley, The grind songs I looked at are simply not up my ally, because, as explained, they don't even sound like music. The screaming was actually often quie bad, and nothing else had any eel to it. It was all simple cookie-cutter rythms sped up to the point where they actually lack coherence. I prefer my music to actually sound like something...

Ive become the KoRn guy.

Current Status: Unbanned

Writer's Club, for all your literacy needs

Fourth Perspective, a wonderful site for your writing.

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 6, 2008

At 1/6/08 06:38 PM, Sistine1408 wrote: Ive become the KoRn guy.

I've assumed you've only heard Anal Cunt, as earfetish said, you obviously not going to like them or some similiar bands.

Maybe you should try bands like Cephalic Carnage or even Embalming Theatre, or Blue Holocaust

KoRn Guy

Drop Ya Pants and Grind, with M to the C

The Greatest Story Ever Told

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 6, 2008

KoRn guy, listen to Insect Warfare

no one can not enjoy Insect Warfare

unban russianspy22

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 6, 2008

Excuse me, but should we really waste time on this guy? He's obviously not into this kind of music, which sucks for him because he'll be missing out on all that grindcore has to offer, which is alot more then some shitty-sounding band like Korn.

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 6, 2008

At 1/6/08 09:49 PM, Attactivist wrote: Excuse me, but should we really waste time on this guy?

hey, Im just here to broaden my horizons, and tomorrow Ill be looking into those other guys suggested.

Current Status: Unbanned

Writer's Club, for all your literacy needs

Fourth Perspective, a wonderful site for your writing.

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 6, 2008

I shall join! Here are soem bands in o particular order.
Napalm Death
Pig Destroyer
old Carcass
Agoraphobic Nosebleed
Fuck The Facts
Anal Cunt
Cock And Ball Torture
See You Next Tuesday

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 7, 2008

At 1/6/08 11:57 PM, Kronik-The-Echidna wrote: I shall join! Here are soem bands in no particular order.
Napalm Death
Pig Destroyer
Fuck The Facts

Very Good

old Carcass
Agoraphobic Nosebleed
Cock And Ball Torture


Anal Cunt


See You Next Tuesday

NOT GRIND (deathcore)

Other then that, your list is perfect. Better then mine was a few days prior. It's M-to-the-C's ultimate decsion, but I doubt he'll have any objections, so welcome!

Btw, has anyone else here heard of a mexican deathgrind band by the name of Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomuco sis (Paracocci for short)? Their actually quite good.

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 7, 2008

Y'all should get last.fm accounts really

I'd never considered calling Carcass an influential Grindcore act, although of course they are, because I prefer Carcass

Excrementory Grindfuckers were awesome at Brutal Assault '07, I'd say you all should attend next year

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 7, 2008

At 1/7/08 10:43 PM, Earfetish wrote: I'd never considered calling Carcass an influential Grindcore act, although of course they are, because I prefer Carcass

duh you drunk fucker

I prefer melo-death Carcass, Heartwork is their best album ever (and one of the best albums ever)

Carcass are touring next year gentlemen

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 8, 2008

At 1/7/08 10:38 PM, Attactivist wrote: Other then that, your list is perfect. Better then mine was a few days prior. It's M-to-the-C's ultimate decsion


Btw, has anyone else here heard of a mexican deathgrind band by the name of Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomuco sis (Paracocci for short)? Their actually quite good.

I have the album Aromatica Germenexcitacion En Orgias De Viscosay Amarga Putrefaccion but I think they may make there song names a little long, example: "Sexologic coitalexamination to bisexual fat fornication with an anorexic lesbian, both with clit orgasmic vaginal & pleasure dispareuniavesselcongetion"

But the music is amazing

At 1/7/08 10:43 PM, Earfetish wrote: Y'all should get last.fm accounts really

I've never went on that site... ever

Carcass are touring next year gentlemen

Down in the US I presume? plus no grind band ever comes to Newfoundland, and all the local bands are metal.

Drop Ya Pants and Grind, with M to the C

The Greatest Story Ever Told

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 9, 2008

Quick question: I listen to a LITTLE grind-core, but never really got into it. Would Suicide Silence be considered Grind, or some Metal variant. They are too heavy for metal-core, but I just can't really place them, besides death metal.

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 10, 2008

nope not grind

unban russianspy22

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 11, 2008


Ok. I'm done.

Wait... no I'm not...

TORTURED CUNT MEAT (local band, now defunct)

Strangled Blue (my band) does some grindcore stuff. Or at least, / think it's grindcore.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 11, 2008

At 1/9/08 07:11 PM, gibleto wrote: Suicide Silence

Deathcore, according to last fm. Which kinda fits in with your description.

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 12, 2008

Is any one here artistically inclinded? I need a logo for my band called Putrescence. I wanted somthing original but still in the classic black/death/grind/extreme metal writting style. Can any one here help me out, or point me in the direction of a professional?

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 12, 2008

At 1/12/08 01:07 AM, Attactivist wrote: Is any one here artistically inclinded? I need a logo for my band called Putrescence. I wanted somthing original but still in the classic black/death/grind/extreme metal writting style. Can any one here help me out, or point me in the direction of a professional?

I don't really know what Putrescence meant so I searched it and I came across this Band and I think there may already be a band with that name. (Unless thats you guys)

But ya know, if ya still looking Snype maybe able to help ya out, my kinda drawing may not look got with band logos, unless it was written in barbwire or something.

Drop Ya Pants and Grind, with M to the C

The Greatest Story Ever Told

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 12, 2008

At 1/12/08 04:29 PM, M-to-the-C wrote: I don't really know what Putrescence meant so I searched it and I came across this Band...

FUCK! No, that's not my band. Damn, I thought I already checked. No matter, it's not like their well known, I could probablly get away with renaming it "Putressence". It actually looks better that way.

But ya know, if ya still looking Snype maybe able to help ya out...

Who's Snype exactly?

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 13, 2008

At 1/12/08 06:22 PM, Attactivist wrote

Who's Snype exactly?

Uh, forget it. I'm a retard.

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 15, 2008

Ok, seriously, is anyone going to bother keeping this thread alive?

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 16, 2008



i like me some bree

to break away

from what ties us together

is the only thing that makes us diffrent.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 17, 2008

At 1/16/08 09:18 PM, abcdeathjeff wrote: gindcore?


i like me some bree

Okay great! Any other bands?

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 17, 2008

I'd like to join, just to start listening to more grindcore as a whole. but I listened to Insect Warfare, and enjoyed it, so I'm here to "learn" some new good grindcore bands. Plus Insect Warfare is from my city.
So have any good bands for me to look up?

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 17, 2008

At 1/17/08 06:44 PM, Attactivist wrote:
At 1/16/08 09:18 PM, abcdeathjeff wrote: gindcore?


i like me some bree
Okay great! Any other bands?

i didnt name a band.

do you kno what a bree is?!?

to break away

from what ties us together

is the only thing that makes us diffrent.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 17, 2008

Hey, KoRn guy here:

Rumplestiltskin Grinder
Semolition Faction
Burn The Earth
Tranquil Terror
Death On Impact
Divine Chaos

Actually not a list to join, but I'm checking out a show with these guys playing, so are any of them qualifiable as Grind?

Current Status: Unbanned

Writer's Club, for all your literacy needs

Fourth Perspective, a wonderful site for your writing.

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 18, 2008

At 1/7/08 10:43 PM, Earfetish wrote: Y'all should get last.fm accounts really

Got one already,
Everyone here should add me if they've got one.
I've already got you on there I think.

At 1/7/08 10:38 PM, Attactivist wrote:

Btw, has anyone else here heard of a mexican deathgrind band by the name of Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomuco sis (Paracocci for short)? Their actually quite good.

Yeah, I've got some Paracocci , I've got Aromatica Germenexcitacion En Orgias De Viscosa y Amarga Putrefaccion, I think that's the only thing they've made actually.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 18, 2008

At 1/17/08 09:13 PM, Sistine1408 wrote: Hey, KoRn guy here:

Rumplestiltskin Grinder
Semolition Faction
Burn The Earth
Tranquil Terror
Death On Impact
Divine Chaos

Actually not a list to join, but I'm checking out a show with these guys playing, so are any of them qualifiable as Grind?

You know... you could just use wikipedia or Metal-Archives. They'd give you their respective genre.

I do know for a fact that Goatwhore are Blackend-Death Metal, not grind.

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 20, 2008

At 1/17/08 09:06 PM, abcdeathjeff wrote: ha.
i didnt name a band.

do you kno what a bree is?!?

I do now. Never heard the term in my life. I've heard of death growls, death grunts, death shrieks, & death moans. Never once heard of "breeing".

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 22, 2008

Yeah, I was banned for a week and I'm studying and doing work like 6 hours a day straight and math is fucking gay.

At 1/17/08 09:06 PM, abcdeathjeff wrote: ha.
i didnt name a band.

do you kno what a bree is?!?

Yeah, then what the fuck was the point of that?and I've only heard of Bree as that gay little town in lord of the ings, but I dont think thats what you mean.

Drop Ya Pants and Grind, with M to the C

The Greatest Story Ever Told

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 22, 2008

a bree is a noise you make in grindcore music,
its also called the pigsqueal.

Arsonists Get All The Girls
Dance Club Massacre
See You Next Tuesday
Preschool Tea Party Massacre
Waking The Cadaver
O' Captain! My Captain!

i listen to the. . . newer stuff
but i like the older stuff the same.

to break away

from what ties us together

is the only thing that makes us diffrent.

BBS Signature

Response to Grindcore Gore Pit Jan 22, 2008

At 1/22/08 06:56 PM, abcdeathjeff wrote: its also called the pigsqueal.

Well damn, that all you had to say!


Heard of them, never listened to them...

Arsonists Get All The Girls

Same thing.

Dance Club Massacre

My friend at school has this on her iPod.

See You Next Tuesday

I'm PRETTY sure these guys are deathcore.

Preschool Tea Party Massacre
Waking The Cadaver
O' Captain! My Captain!

You know, except for "walking the cadaver", none of these really sound like their grindcore.

i listen to the. . . newer stuff
but i like the older stuff the same.

Heh, maybe that's my problem. I'm more of a GORE *NOT* CORE kind of person. Maybe I should listen to more of the newer stuff, but from what I've heard thus far, I'm not very fond of it...

In recent news, I just got my "Putressence" band logo from Snype. at first I was a little scarred, because the "u" was a little high up, but now I think it gives it personality & I adore it. I need to remeber to thank him for it. The only real problem I have now is whenever I try to edit it, it turns black all over! Only the outline shows, I'm not sure why but I can't really use it like that. Any way, here it is!

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature