At 10/28/03 10:28 AM, bigbadmac wrote:
At 10/27/03 03:52 PM, TheJoe324 wrote:
Well... before he has just said "Don't review with 'BLAM THIS CRAP' or something like it" Now he said that they could be banned and have their reviews removed for doing it. (Before today, I never banned for that unless they did it over and over, now I probably will.)
It's even more anoying when people do it in movies that are obviously going to get blammed. Thiers no point at all.
If someone says BLAM! in a review to a movie that is DEFINTELY going to be blammed, though, their review is going to be gone from their profile, and no one who doesn't go searching through the graveyard or through random portal id #s is going to see it.
The PROBLEM is people who say stupid shit like "BLAM THIS!" to 2 year old movies that obviously can't be blammed anymore, and are thus idiots who don't understand the b/p system...
and people who don't bother to check the score of the movie BEFORE they review, like this moron (who's also slammed the two most recent movies on my review list... which are both great).
He's a total idiot, if not insanely abusive... but now he's broken the new review rule, so I'm going to rejoice. Can one of you two take care of this asshole? First, the score:
"Thanks for voting, gfoxcook!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 6.24 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 42% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 8.86 votes!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 2.62!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!"
and his review:
"well, that SUCKED October 30, 2003
Reviewed by: M-A-R-C-U-S Overall rating: 2
its been done before.. MANY TIMES. the graphics were dodge. it wasnt even funny. Lame music.
i got one word for yaz...
BLAM!!!!! "
ahhh... idiocy. That was for (The Crack Deal), BTW.