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Great Movies With Terrible Endings

9,617 Views | 170 Replies

Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-27 21:38:13

At 12/17/08 08:13 PM, DuckzOwn wrote: The Mist, the ending was just a WTF moment.

But, when I think of anti-climatic endings, I think of The Sopranos.

It wasn't as bad as a BBS post the ends mid-sent

Mr. C (Since June 7th, 2001)

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-27 21:41:23

Dazed and confused, not bad per see but ended abruptly

Xbox live: Igotsniped119

Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-27 21:42:19

At 12/27/08 09:37 PM, JKMonkey wrote: the ending didnt make any scence to me

That doesn't make it a bad ending, I liked the ending because it's possible to discuss what the reasoning was behind shooting himself, movies with ending that lead to further discussion in my opinion are much better then ones that sum up the movie. Though in some cases I can see when they might have left to many gaps out, like the fourth harry potter movie explained nothing like the book did.


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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-27 21:54:01

The Mist

all I could think is, man.. ROTTED!

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The Greatest Story Ever Told

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-27 22:11:39

At 7/9/08 02:51 AM, PrivateJoker92 wrote:
Donnie Darko's ending was not bad, in my opinion. If he had of lived, sure, you would have felt good about yourself and walked out of seeing that movie with closure. But Donnie Darko is an art house film.

That has absolutely nothing to do with why they choose endings for movies. It may have been the reason it got to that point, but getting there was not, "hey what would be a good art house movie ending."

Also The Outsiders was awesome.

I get the feeling that you guys call bad endings good endings that make YOU feel bad.

Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-27 22:13:54

At 7/9/08 12:50 PM, SevenSeize wrote:
Yeah, that ending ruined it for me. and I like aliens and sci fi, but it just didn't belong imo.

That was the coolest part of the movie.

Speilburg and lucas are stoned.

give them a break.

Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-27 22:17:34

At 12/17/08 09:21 PM, WorkingComedian wrote: everyone saying im a legend movie ending terrible READ THE BOOK he dies by the vampires half way through then the last 175 pages are of random stories involving a guy murdering his wife, popeye and olive as a singing team, etc on stupid shit

I'm just gonna have a big LOfuckingL here.

That "Second half" wasn't part of the book they were other stories by the author. Also I am surprised you can read with that grammar.

You have to know your name.


One day you'll all miss me.

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-27 23:45:59

Garden State is a perfect example of a movie where the director fudged up the ending last minute to create a happy ending movie audiences would find agreeable.

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 00:01:00

At 7/9/08 01:25 AM, Kalibur wrote:
At 7/9/08 01:23 AM, TheDepthsofHell wrote: what about the 1963 flick 'The Birds'? shittiest ending ever...
That reminds me. Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, the one with Donald Sutherland in it. I rather liked the movie, until it got to the end. Just a scream.

Actually, now that you two mention it, yes, those were pretty bad. I hate cliffhanger endings or "good enough" endings. How retarded.

My turn!! Dark Knight!

Now to sit back and watch the trolls flame.

PSN ID: Zeldafreak701 | Gamertag: Zeldafreak701 | 3DS friend code: 0301-9780-8157

You shouldn't have done that....

Sig by BlueHippo <3

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 00:20:21

The Departed had a bad ending. It felt like they weren't sure how to end it so they just killed off everyone.

Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 00:22:02

man, reading all those six pages of virtually all wrong opinions was exhausting and not worth the mental anguish.

wrong... opinions...? how? oh;

- when a movie is fucking wretched in every aspect, and then ends the same way it comes in, it is not a candidate for this topic. I am legend was the most underwhelming movie I have seen in a while. there was nothing besides the overgrown scenes of the city for ten minutes at the start of the movie that caught my attention. The character with the most personality and likeability was the dog, followed closely by Fred the mannequin. Whoever said Jumper is an idiot. so many of you don't understand that there has to be a contrast between the ending and the rest of it or it to meet the very simple condition of GOOD movie with a BAD ending.

- when you don't understand the ending because you're as dense as a post, that is not a valid answer. shout out to McJesus here mostly, and everyone who said No Country For Old Men; go watch some more Marvel comic bookmovies.

I agree with AsthmaticHamster, and one of SpaceWalk's though (and ArtistJ's to an extent). When the movie completely shifted pace to a space-thriller I kind of lost my patience, it was amazing before that happened, but I guess it needed more conflict that wasn't just "oh no, the ship is breaking somehow" like every other movie where there's a spaceship and something needs to go wrong to advance the plot.

Holy Grail's ending bothers me, just the way it's so anit-climatic, I know they did it on purpose, but it still feels incomplete and hollow. I used to feel the same way about Donnie Darko, I thought it was such a sad ending, I still don't like it very much, but it wouldn't have worked otherwise.

American Beauty is the example that came to my mind the second I saw this topic. I love Spacey, and I realize that it wouldn't work if he didn't die, but still, the way it goes about it is shit. The way that the scene in the garage where Ricky kneeling down to dole out pot is misconstrued as fellatio is the dumbest bit of bullshit I have ever seen. It belongs in an Austin Powers movie, where it's all like "HAHAHAHA, from here, due to angles, and obstructions and suggestive, contrived gestures it looks like something is happening that definitely isn't!!!! HAHAHA" Seriously, that ending pisses me off so hard, now when I watch it, I turn it off before it gets there, and just refuse to admit or acknowledge that it happens.

Se7en's ending also sucks, the build-up leaves you feeling hollow, and it doesn't even really follow the logic of the other killings. So here's how I see it, feel free to correct me, because I feel like I'm missing something; Spacey kills Pitt's wife because HE'S envious of her life? The person who commits the sin should be the one killed for it. I understand that Spacey is killed for envy by Brad, but no one kills Pitt for his sin of wrath. ERGO THE ENDING IS BALLS.

Inside Man is another one. Spike Lee is the worst director next to Rob Zombie, but the heist part of the movie was actually really well done. so what flabbergasted and blindsided me is when the fuckhead decided that this 'joint' hadn't beaten the audience over the head with the least subtle commentary on racial issues in America ever. so it switches gears to jews and diamonds and nazis. Then Lee spends an hour or so on that fucking baloney so Denzel can try to get his quota of awards, then when he's done with that, he makes the afterthought of an ending after realizing that he should finish the fucking movie. goddamn.

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 00:23:30

Really shows of Newgrounds wide array of film knowledge.

Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 00:39:57

At 7/9/08 01:28 AM, Techno wrote: Alien Vs Predator: Requiem

I mean they blew up a whole town with people still there. It was retarded

that entire movie was retarded

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 00:53:52

I am Legend

Just because I found out what the ending to the book was and that on the DVD version there's an alternate ending which is alot more true to the book. Pisses me off that they put in the ending that was different and worse then the book. With the book ending you actually learn the significance of the title.

Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 00:55:38

At 12/28/08 12:20 AM, cHunter wrote: The Departed had a bad ending. It felt like they weren't sure how to end it so they just killed off everyone.

I loved the ending for that reason.

Also, I didn't like the ending for Iron Man.


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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 00:59:03

At 12/28/08 12:20 AM, cHunter wrote: The Departed had a bad ending. It felt like they weren't sure how to end it so they just killed off everyone.

Look at the title of the movie.

Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 01:00:06

taladaga knights serioslu he kisses the dude then goes to applebees to get kicked out WTF!!>!>!!?!??!?!?!????!

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 01:34:29

waynes world 1 & waynes world 2 they should of just done one ending

Valar Morghulis []

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 01:37:39

At 12/17/08 08:57 PM, Phobotech wrote: I Am Legend.

....and I'm still pissed at what Disney did to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

the fucking dipshits...

the book was 100x better than the movie for hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

Valar Morghulis []

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 01:38:11

Both Resident Evil movies

Not only were they terrible but the endings just left you with your thumb up your ass and money you could have spent elsewhere

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Response to Great Movies With Terrible Endings 2008-12-28 01:39:48

At 7/9/08 01:35 AM, McJesus wrote: I think it's called Children of Men.. it ends with a pregnant chick on a boat with a dead guy headed for another boat.

the movies about Theo and only Theo. It follows what he does so when he dies... thats the end. its like HalfLife, gordon dies... thats it.

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