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Red Faction 3?!

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Red Faction 3?! 2008-07-15 01:40:50

Thats right, its been confirmed

Gamespot-Red Faction III blasts to 360, PS3, PC

I was a huge fan of the first one but didn't care much for the second.

From what I've gathered its going to be in 3rd person and with a lot of emphasis on the whole geomod technology.

I'm excited.

Response to Red Faction 3?! 2008-07-15 02:12:06

At 7/15/08 01:40 AM, xskatasticx wrote: Thats right, its been confirmed

Gamespot-Red Faction III blasts to 360, PS3, PC


I was a huge fan of the first one but didn't care much for the second.

The second one was failed.

From what I've gathered its going to be in 3rd person and with a lot of emphasis on the whole geomod technology.

3rd person = lame, geomod = great :)

I'm excited.

Me too.

On the quest to rid this world from World of Warcraft

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Response to Red Faction 3?! 2008-07-15 02:16:37

I had the first, and got stuck wearing the scientist suit in a research facility full of dodgily-coded over-paranoid guards, but I still play it for the hectic multiplayer =P My friend sold his copy of the second one the day after he bought it. I'm not fond of the 3rd person thing though. And wtf's a geomod? Well, a rock modifier or something like that, but why would that need exaggerating?

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Response to Red Faction 3?! 2008-07-15 09:50:07

I saw a review of it on X-Play, they said it was called Red Faction: Guerilla. And the gameplay they showed was 1st-person.

Response to Red Faction 3?! 2008-07-15 10:06:26

I liked the first Red Faction, but the second one sucked hard. In the first Red Faction, I remember that if I blew away too many walls, for some reason bodies would start to disappear. In the second one, they just disappeared period, and they took away what was fun from the game. I don't know, guess I just have a problem with bodies disappearing in single player type games. Hopefully, Red Faction III will take the series back to it's roots.

Response to Red Faction 3?! 2008-07-15 11:14:00

I'm excited that its back on Mars and is sticking more to the whole rebellion plot.

Who knows what perspective its going to be in, I hope 1st.

Your supposed to be fighting the EDF in this one.

Response to Red Faction 3?! 2008-07-15 11:27:40

Yeah i cant wait for this! I really really like the previous games and i still play them from time to time.

I fucking hate euphemism.

BBS Signature

Response to Red Faction 3?! 2008-07-15 11:30:42

Another First person shooter. Nothing new


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Response to Red Faction 3?! 2008-07-15 17:12:35

I didn't even know they made a sequel to the original Red Faction! But, since you guys say it sucked, I'm not too down about it. I got the first, and a bunch of other games, for like, $5-$10 dollars each, because I bought them all used with money from my birthday. But god, I would love to buy the third one. Better graphics, (hopefully) better gameplay, and, of course, ONLINE PLAY!

MURDOC - Thank you East525

Gamertag: PainAvalanche

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Response to Red Faction 3?! 2008-07-17 04:05:07

I really hope the is as captivating as the first one. The second one didn't really grab me all that hard, but man the first one definitley did.