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Robot Wars

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Author Comments

The next episode will be a choose your own adventure.This episode I kind of got lazy with some of the graphics, plus I'm a lousy artist but it is still good.

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Don't worry, really ALL 0, which is rare with me..

All 0. in general, many of the stuff I've tried to blam has at least 1 in sumthing, but your drawing is bad (extremly bad), the sound really sucked, even the star wars a new hope sound sucked, the story sucked, and if we can call that violence... hum.

Oh my god

Well this was seriously a pitful and somewhat funny piece of flash, that guy "derek" was not cut out to be a good guy especially with that name dude, how can anyone take him seriously?, and also the graphics were pretty bad, and the guy doing the voice overs which im guessing is you, was really cheesy a change in the lines would have helped alot, and how big was that underground hideout?, it must have been massive, that didnt make much sense, and why did he have "derek's lab" or something to that effect printed on his hideout?, sorry to be so picky but you need to know these things if you are to get any better, it has been over a year since you made this so im guessing you arnt making another one, so ill guess ill class derek as dead :P, good work try harder next time!


This is the worst Flash i have ever seen i can not belive you had the cheek of using final Fantasy Music!!!

((( HMMMMMM )))

Well i would say that the text intro went on way to long and might send viewers away, it sounds like a great story, just needs to cut downt the intro abit and more into the main view part of the story, and the art was ok, great use of backrounds, anyways keep on flashing...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Long intro, good start of story...



this is a mad film and I haven't even seen it i know it's a mad plot and the secret page is the best

Credits & Info

2.97 / 5.00

Jun 2, 2003
3:19 AM EDT