Wasnt bad but the pace needed to be slowed a little also more effects should of been put in such as the ships having different movements etc
hey all, i know this game sux, and it did come from a tutorial, but that was the point -- im just learning how to actionscript so i was fooling around with the code and stuff, and learning more. i know the game was extremely boring, and im sorry for wasting your time... but i wanted to know what people thought, so that i might go more into gaming. thx lots tho, and im gonna delete it soon.
Wasnt bad but the pace needed to be slowed a little also more effects should of been put in such as the ships having different movements etc
Since you said you didn't really try, an you will be deleting it soon so there is almost no point in writing this, I am not going to be too crude. That being said it is pretty bad. It is definitely not the worst game I have played here, but it looks as if you imported the game from Warioware D.I.Y.
The graphic are reminiscent of the Atari 7600, but not as likeable.
I wish there were sound effects. I counted two sound effects, and they might be the same one.
The controls were broken. Some times they would freeze and I would stay at the top of the screen,
the bottom, or go forward and get killed.
I did like the higher difficulty setting. dodging and shooting all those ships was fun (when I could).
I suggest working on your designing before you make a larger game. As is, since you were just messing around, it wasn't too bad; but as a game, it is way too flawed to call it good
Good Job
Better then anything I can do personaly. Great arcade style, if you made this 50 years ago you would be da' bomb! ^-^
Hang on...
...can't you have your account cancelled for having that picture on your profile?