very impressive was this!!!
Have you ever noticed how the bosses in sonic are sometimes stupid? Well this just points out 1.
There will be more to come and they should be longer and better.
Sorry about the file size.
weak. June 21, 2003
Reviewed by: psychic_mushroom Overall rating: 3
great idea, bad execution. besides, eveyone knows what a crappy villain robotnik is. (makes ya wonder why the sonic games are still so cool...)
My Reply:
Actually the sonic games are still my favouite games believe it or not. Back in the days of the master system, first ever sonic game and not a very powerful system meant they couldnt really make better enemies. The later boss fights were more challenging though. Besides with every sonic game the first boss is always easy like most games. Its just to sorta ease you into the game before the tougher levels.
very impressive was this!!!
Awesome work on this one
well well what do we have here then...sorry but just showing one boss could done more than that but good very and should make more longer and more boss exciting and hey that first boss could or can ram yay as
The graphics were crap. But the background were perfect. Good work on the flash though, it was decent.
This as an OK flash, could be a lot better, and for the dumbasses that say the 1st Sonic boss was Robotnik with a big spinny ball, that was AFTER the GAME GEAR version! This dude is correct.
That's it, I'm outta here.