So, was the little red thing a cacodemon or a killer tomato?
This took me the day to make (and this morning). I had an inspiration for this short yesterday. The more I thought about it the funnier it was. Im very pleased with the way this turned out, especialy at the end. I hope you all enjoy it! :D
Music: O' Fortuna
PS: Sorry for the file size, reason is is because the music on the later half of the animation was too quiet to hear so I didnt optamize the sound. Even after I did that its still hard to hear so when the storm part comes turn up that sound a little bit.
PPS. That red thing is basicaly just a creature based off of the average anime 'mascot'. You know.. those things that are comepletely pointless other than existing and making high pitched noises whilst looking adorable?
So, was the little red thing a cacodemon or a killer tomato?
simple but very funny
I like it!
Music was best,but i didn´t find that song.
WHY, WHY, WHY, why did the blob have to die. He was just minding his own business whaen the sky starts to attack him and then ends up blowing up the Earth with a freaking atom bomb. I'd laugh if it turned out all of the Earth blew up, and he was left standing on a tiny peice of land, that eventually falls over and leads to his doom.