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Bruce Head -Trailer-

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A little movie i made to help me learn to animate/direct. Plus giant celebrity heads with no ears or arms are cool! Keep in mind this is the first time i've ever touched flash. What do you expect?

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THis wasnt bad u shood be proud!

This is good i liked it but with all trailers it is followed by a movie so plz make a movie about this id like to see it. Your ideas are actually intresting and i thought this overall flash was good on the count that u said this was the first time u used flash. I can see even though it is simple u have put alot of effort in to this and for this i respect u well done! I hope to see more flash from u in the near future!


umm.. Bruce head?

hmm....not bad.

so yer a newbie at flash? for yer first animation, it was ok. i liked how you drew yer backgrounds and stuff. the only thing that it lacks is music. improve that and it'll be great.


apparently the individual that created this flash has absolutely no idea how to create something remotely interesting, something that would stimulate any sane person's mind. it is a fuckin head, with legs. good job. may as well have made a friggin penis with a scrotum without any balls.

akaka responds:

I really don't know how to respond to that. That was truely, just a stupid comment. Please take a look at your Flash movie. You contradict yourself TERRIBLY! Your characters are two circles!

On a side note, I personally don't see how one Flash artist can put down another's. You have to be a real asshole to do so, and you have much audacity to even comment on mine like you did.

Any ways. Good luck.


I've seen other character's smilar to this one. U need to make him look more chineese. Stretch his eyes out more, make his nose flatter and make his hair fuzzier. It was pretty good, nothing special. But how did U direct this? Seriously? Was it made with 10 other people? Did u tell everyone what to do? Did U make all the decisions? No, U made it all by urself, so there was no direction involved. Hope to see this series kick off!

akaka responds:

Aye, i appreciate your comments and suggestions and will take them in consideration. How did i direct this? Well the term is more loosely said really. Directing to me is basically knowing when and where to move the camra. When you watch one of the better Flash movies you'll probally notice more now how the camra moves, such as when a character speaks, etc. It's alot harder than you think.

Credits & Info

3.03 / 5.00

Aug 16, 2003
5:41 PM EDT