Cool, but ya misspeled somethin in tha ending. It wuz supposed to b like, "Teh Edn"...
Nov 09 2003
.:Movie Commentary:.
i actually think this is an "alright" movie seeing as to how i used no motion tweens or anything. but it still isnt my greatest work. :\
Cool, but ya misspeled somethin in tha ending. It wuz supposed to b like, "Teh Edn"...
not sure what to think?
its good in many aspects but i dont know what to think of it as a whole, has a whole load of potential
Tenacious... B? Anyway, no motion tweens? Sounds to me you just like making things harder than they have to be. This whole movie could have taken much less time :-P or you're lying.
Good, solid clock movie.
I like it.
well tenacious d rocks but you said in the movie that it was tenacious b, what the hell is with that? also that stupid thing you wrote to wast time was really retarded.......