you tried I guess, but this didn;t really come across as funny at all, yeah the priest picture was a good one, not there was no sound and it just really didn't have the humor it needed to be an effective spoof.
Stupid truth commercial spoof....
Probably more to come. -Andy
you tried I guess, but this didn;t really come across as funny at all, yeah the priest picture was a good one, not there was no sound and it just really didn't have the humor it needed to be an effective spoof.
Wow, this flash had virtually no substance, which was quite disappointing. It was just words and numbers going across the screen, that was it. The lack of any sound hurt this flash a lot as well. Okay, I understood that it was a parody on the truth ads, yet the jokes really weren't that good, it didn't make all that much sense.
Dude that was just a little... dumb
This is one of those things that should have never made it on newgrounds. 1st off. no flash experience. 2 no sound. 3 no play button, it just...starts. 3rd at least the truth commercials actually have THE TRUTH! 4 go back to the 3rd grade, horrid grammer mate.
Well that sucked, text and a picture
The picture was funny but this movie was so shit you don't even manage to earn a 1 for humor, it was just a load of text about something that wasn't even funny at all, what a load of crap, I'm pleased to see you didn't make another like you said you might.
it kind looks like it was a fast slide show of pictures made in microsoft paint...):P