wow i'm impressed. Like it a lot, i want to see the movie. Grade A+
Short trailer of a movie I'm working, votes and reviews are appreciated
wow i'm impressed. Like it a lot, i want to see the movie. Grade A+
Good job for a trailer.
Wow, a trailer that's actually interesting, but *gasp* informative. You seem to know what you want out of the series, which is always a plus. I can't even begin to recount the number of trailers I've seen where it's clear the author is completely over-ambitious and will never complete the series in a million years. Visuals look nice, too. The fancy suit in the dark atmosphere really set a mood. Spit screen was a nice touch, too. God knows drawing in Flash is a pain in the ass, so I hope you'll have the perserverance to stick it out and make the complete version. Wings looked a little iffy at the end, maybe add more shape and definition (pointed with claw-like things at the end, like bats). But other than that, really good for a trailer. Nice job and good luck.
Thanks. I do plan on finish it, mostly because my girlfriend really want to see it finished, and if I don't she'll nag me to death. It will take me some time, that why I targeted several month from now, because I don't get a lot of time to work on it. And the wings I had originally intentioned to be black feather-ed angel wings. Hope you get to see the finished version, and thanks for the input.
When I
When i saw the loader, I thought it looked ok, then i saw this girly anime type thing with purple hair?
Is that a transexual?
Not very appealing.
yep total crap
Wow dude, see
this is why I asked you to do my graphics, this is fucking amazing. Kinda short, could use some work on the timing in a few places, but meh, that's all negligable. Looks very nice. The wings look pretty badass. Can't wait for a final release. See you tomorrow buddy.