Chrono is in this? Ok... also, I let chrono Win!!
Some of us sprite movie fan have probably encountered and nuisance and annoying brat flash artist named HArdcoRD.
Some worship him as if he was a god, i say think again, behind all those bad flash hides a bastard who insults who ever dislikes his movie, well we cant blame they viewers for hating them, THEIR HORRIBLE.
I didnt write this to insult him, but to Honor him within this movie.
Hope u all enjoy this movie :)
- " Ur friendly Rival" Shin2k27 ^_^
}}}Small notice{{{
There is actually a small secret within the movie. Ill leave u to find it. Its easy to find out. Options in there will be updated of course.
Ok, wait a bit at the credits to spot the secret menu.......
Chrono is in this? Ok... also, I let chrono Win!!
overkill much?
A great flash!
You sure did prove that General Leo was a worthless character. And you will always be better than Vince and Hardcored. The secret menu is a bit tricky to get but I did catch it once. The message to Hardcored was quite funny too. And I hope you make a comeback some day. And the RPG style was also cool too. But there's a catch, where is that boss theme you used durring the battle? I liked that allot. The Ultima blooper, the fight where Leo kept getting blocked, the shock attack that kept missing, and the item crack was loads fun.
the true is i are a fan from FF and crono trigger and really this video SUCK
Not very good