I was just watching the Evil Willow episodes...
A week or two ago the Buffy episodes with Dark Willow in 'em were being run on FX. Hilarious to see her face off not only against Mr. T and Murdoch but also the Ghostbusters... and all in front of a Welcome to Sunnydale sign. HIGH-larious, I tells ya.
But I DO have to agree with a lot of the other reviewers: WAYYYYYY TOO BIG, and all due to the music, no doubt. In your comments you say you already had to cut down on things to get it to fit on the portal. There's a reason the size limit is where it is, BTW, it's there for huge complex flashes that make good use of every kilobyte... not for uncompressed music. I really hope you can figure it out and remake it with super-low-size compressed mp3s for the Buffy and A-Team theme songs, perhaps.
Till then... while huge, the flash was funny and fairly original as far as A-Team flashes go, so good job on everything but the filesize there. #;-}>