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Dr.MaD - SDT1

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*Dr. MaD Special - Stick Drawing tutorial 1 BETA*

I'm having a bit trouble with this, so ive submitted this beta verson.
At the moment it has no preloader, and no sound due to sync problems. Im realyl sorry for this, i'm working to fix it !
*A preloader will be added THIS WEEK !*

Check it out, even if you dont like sticks.. and be sure to take a look at the credits ! ;) *wink*

-MAG- (MaD Cow Productions 2003)

p.s:this is not a game but not a movie either, its an interactive tutorial so i chose to put it under the category of INTERACTIVE...
and it sais "mild adult themes" because it shows people smoking blunts. just being fair.

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This is quite a good tutorial, Although you need to learn how to spell position.

Cool tutorial.

Alright tutorial

It's not bad, it shows you how to draw a stick and gives a few hints, it isn't that hard though, rather useless tutorual.

I haven't seen a tutorial like this before though.
Shame it doesn't go into more detail and show you how to animate them or something, mediocre tutorial.

not bad at all

i liked it, it was helpful. some people just dont understand how this helps people that are trying to learn flash like myself. it was pretty basic though i mean, even for me, so you should continue making tutorials. what would be a hell of a lot better would be on how to animate them because in the credits its obvious that you know how to. thats all i got to say...

I liked it

Although drawing stick figures is easy, you took it deeper into what to do to make the most detailed stick figure. I liked it. But next time, no stick tutorials.

MAGmcp responds:

thanx, but ull have to bare with just a little bit more, for the sake of those who do like sticks =)

OK stick tutorial

It's not bad - shows you how to draw a stick and gives a few hints (like on expressions) that I haven't seen before. Shame it doesn't go into more detail and show you how to animate them or something.

MAGmcp responds:

well as im sure ive mentioned somewhere befor (i did, didnt i ?), thats gonna be in one of the following Dr.MaD episodes - animating sticks..... there will also be other styles of sticks, how to make stick skating movies, making REAL skating movies (im workin on one of these at the moment) and many other tutorials :)

Credits & Info

2.51 / 5.00

Nov 11, 2003
9:05 AM EST