NOt the best
It isn't the best i have seen, yet it isn't the worst. Kinda good, no point in watching it again tho.
Well, it's my most recently finished flash cartoon, and while I'm actually working on a few toons now that are 50 times better, this will kill some time for now. I only realized as I uploaded this that I really need to get some good shit on NG, as my current repotoire is somewhat dismal. Oh, well...
Enjoy. If you can.
NOt the best
It isn't the best i have seen, yet it isn't the worst. Kinda good, no point in watching it again tho.
It was pretty well animated and extremely cute. Decent overall considering nothing happens. And it's better than a lot of your other stuff.
And another one of your amny many masterpieces,keep up the awsome work!Kick ass!
Not bad
I was expecting something bad. Only thing is There wasnt really a plot at all. But good stuff for a movie to kill time.
Very Nice
I really liked this... i was expecting some piece of crap (from your description) but its very cute and it gave me a fuzzy feeling inside... very cute.