CONGRATS! THIS MOVIE SUCKS! i dont care about it being a parody, but the sound and graphics sucks soooooooooooo...
Foamy is at it again! This time the truth comes out.
CONGRATS! THIS MOVIE SUCKS! i dont care about it being a parody, but the sound and graphics sucks soooooooooooo...
Mappy the Klown pwns
This is really funny especially the part where Foamy's on top of the screen then his arm is on the bottom waving. LOL. Another excellent flash from ol' Mappy.
o0 um...
Well, the ending was sicking to me, but still funny. Gave me alittle chuckle. Maybe if a bit longer and more bashing, I'd like it.
suckzzz buddy
he does have a body
Oh god not again
Yet another poor excuse for a Foamy bashing. Stop trying to gain popularity though making fun of Foamy. Just because you can't think of a clever character doesn't mean you have to make fun of Foamy. I am sick of people who hate Foamy.