you are an over-rated ubersux.
this is the first part of my MOVIE, "freedom". It inhabits my new new style which you will get to see as the movie progresses. Its proved to be challeenging making this part of the movie and i really hope you enjoy it. i put loads of effort into it and i tried really hard.
p.s i am very sorry about the file size. it was due to the excessive use of colours and 3d graphics.
you are an over-rated ubersux.
Nice Introduction!
The Animation was killer, the music was appropriate, the art-style was great, and I loved the dialogue! Nive introduction to things, and I just might watch the rest of the series! 10! Voting 5!
Phobos Technology, Phobotech.
Liked it, seemed really professional.
Good work
P.S. (you gotta teach me to draw like that!)
I am really hoping it is better with more parts cause that was really fricking short.... it was alright and all but umm the music and credits were the best part... it kinda lacked substance or interesting stuff.... and i don't mean violence, that just helps sometimes....
Im really not sure what to make of this. I enjoyed the rendered intro, but it's apparent that more work went into the opening credits than the rest of the movie. There's a problem when the credits run almost as long as the feature itself. Good style, decent direction, poor audio mastering.